All posts in QA/QC Short Report

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Mar 2022

Meeting Date: 03 Mar 2022   Talking Points Checking recent fluxes from our stations Some site scripts on the RDS need an update, please contact LH. Still open: CH-CHA, CH-OE2 New dataset is now available: FLUXNET Warm Winter 2020 Collection Data for our sites are also available on the grasslandserver . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Feb 2022

Meeting Date: 03 Feb 2022   Talking Points Checking recent fluxes from our stations List of Variable Abbreviations: There is a list of known variable abbreviations that you can use in case you wonder what an abbreviation means: Variable Abbreviations. SRPs have Editor rights for this list, which means that . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Jan 2022

Meeting Date: 06 Jan 2022 Talking Points  Info  Participants LH, MG, IF, GA, RM, LK, LS, QS, PM (9)  Recent Fluxes   CH-AWS Site Info Data gap in summer due to IRGA issue, not immediately detected and fixed due to holiday absences. CH-CHA Site Info Issue with the sonic during . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Dec 2021

Meeting Date: 21 Dec 2021 Talking Points List of Variables: there is a list of known variable abbreviations that you can use in case you wonder what an abbreviation means: Variable Abbreviations Currently contains 360 abbreviations. SRPs have Editor rights for this list, which means that SRPs can add and . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Oct 2021

Meeting Date: 28 Oct 2021   Talking Points First fluxes from the new site CH-DAS (Davos subcanopy) Checking recent fluxes from our stations    Participants LH, AS, MG, IF, WE, RM, LK, PM, GA, LS (10)    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Sep 2021

Meeting Date: 30 Sep 2021   Talking Points Checking recent fluxes from our stations    Participants LH, PM, MG, RM, LK, LS, GA, IF, WE (9)    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for planning of the meetings. SRP & . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Aug 2021

Meeting Date: 2 Sep 2021   Talking Points From now on and starting next week, there will be semi-regular flux meetings for data questions. Database for our data is making good progress, there will be a meeting next week for next steps. Checking recent fluxes from our stations    Participants . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting May 2021

Meeting Date: 20 May 2021  Participants LH, MS, IF, WE, GA, MG, RM, LS (8)    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for planning of the meetings. SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your site and send to . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Apr 2021

Meeting Date: 15 Apr 2021  Participants LH, WE, MB, AS, IF, MG, RM, TB, PM, LS, GA, BP (12)    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for planning of the meetings. SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Mar 2021

Meeting Date: 11 Mar 2021  Participants LH, MG, AS, IF, RM, GA, … (6+)   Talking Points Checking recent fluxes from our stations Always keep an eye on the spectral correction factor (scf)    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Feb 2021

Meeting Date: 2 Feb 2021  Participants LH, AS, MG, IF, WE, MS, GA, RM (8)   Talking Points Checking recent fluxes from out stations GA will assist in data checks for CH-AWS    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Jan 2021

Meeting Date: 7 Jan 2021  Participants LH, TB, MS, IF, RM, MG, PM (7)   Talking Points  Info  Site Reports CH-AWS – CH-CHA Some of the larger data gaps during the night need clarification and will be checked. Probably due to a setting in Eddypro (e.g. raw data absolute limits . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Nov 2020

Meeting Date: 26 Nov 2020  Participants LH, SB, IF, AS, RM, TB, PM (7)   Talking Points Most recent fluxes CH-LAS is back    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for planning of the meetings. SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Oct 2020

Meeting Date: 29 Oct 2020  Participants LH, AS, RM, MG, TB (5)   Talking Points CH-DAV PI fluxes (up to Level-4) are now available in FP2020 (1997-2019) Checked fluxes CO2, H2O, CH4 and N2O. Processing for CH-LAS will restart soon.    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Sep 2020

Meeting Date: 1 Oct 2020  Participants LH, IF, AS, WE (4)   Talking Points Amp v0.16.0-indev, a preliminary version of Amp v0.16.0, is available on the RDS. The delay since the last update was due to difficulties to get Amp running on the RDS. Spectral correction factors checked for various . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Aug 2020

Meeting Date: 20 Aug 2020  Participants LH, IF, MG, SG, PM, RM, MS, AS (8)    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for planning of the meetings. SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your site and send to . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Jun 2020

Meeting Date: 25 Jun 2020  Participants LH, IF, RM, MG, AS, MS, TB (7)    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for planning of the meetings. SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your site and send to to . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting May 2020

Meeting Date: 28 May 2020  Participants LH, SG, MG, RM, IF, AS, WE, TB (8)    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for planning of the meetings. SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your site and send to . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Apr 2020

Meeting Date: 30 Apr 2020  Participants MG, SG, AS, RM, IF, … (5+)    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for planning of the meetings. SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your site and send to to LH . . . Read more

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting Mar 2020

Meeting Date: 2 Apr 2020  Participants LH, SG, TB, MG, RM, IF, AS (7)    Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for planning of the meetings. SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your site and send to to . . . Read more