FLUXNET Requirements for Data Sharing
Overview of required data and data format for files uploaded to EFDC / FLUXNET for post-processing and subsequent data sharing.
Guideline on the EFDC homepage:
Which data do we upload to FLUXNET / EFDC?
- We upload the adjusted
output file from EddyPro (Level-1 flux calculations, for an overview of the different flux levels see here: Flux Processing Chain). The EddyPro*_fluxnet_*
file still has to be adjusted following the EFDC guidelines (note the required timestamp and variable names with _1_1_1, also only upload most relevant flux variables from this file, not all of them). - Despite its name, the EddyPro
file cannot directly be uploaded for sharing in FLUXNET. - In some cases, it might be necessary to remove some clearly wrong data in the uploaded file before upload, e.g. when we are sure that a sensor was clearly defective but still produced data and erroneous fluxes were calculated. In this case, file is adjusted before upload (erroneous fluxes set to
). - Important: FLUXNET needs fluxes that are not oulier-removed and not u*-filtered and not gap-filled and not partitioned because they apply their scripts to perform all of these steps! Only when data are clearly wrong it is recommended to set the data to
in the data files before upload. - In FLUXNET / EFDC, the understand the uploaded data as Level-2 data. In our case, we can directly upload our Level-1 data in most cases.
- If the Level-1 data contains erroneous fluxes that need to be removed, those fluxes are set to -9999 before sharing with FLUXNET.
- Keep in mind that we upload our Level-1 data, although FLUXNET / EFDC always understands uploaded data as (their) Level-2:
Level-2 data are original data submitted by the PI and checked/filtered only for out-of-range values or clearly wrong data. The variables available are listed in the table here below and are provided as ASCII file with missing values reported as -9999 and timestamp indicating the end of the averaging period. The file produced has in the first line the variables codes.
– Source: EFDC
- the site FluxID in the form CC-SSS (two character country code, three character site identifier within country) – e.g., CH-Dav
- the latitude and longitude for the site in the WGS 84 decimal format with at least four decimal points resolution – e.g., 42.5378 / -72.1715
- timezone of the site (time series, if timezone changed; timestamps are all local standard time, no daylight savings) – e.g., UTC-5
- height of the gas analyser – e.g., 30.0 m
File Format
- CSV file
- Missing values or error code:
- FLUXNET/EFDC now needs two timestamps in the file:
- Timestamp in the format: YYYYMMDDhhmm
- Yearly range needed: one file for each year.
- First
in the respective file for e.g. 2020 is202001010000
- First
in the respective file for e.g. 2020 is202001010030
- First
- Time resolution: 30min (60min also accepted)
- Variable names need suffix, e.g.
, …
Flux Variables
from the EddyPro *full_output* file, renamed according to EFDC / FLUXNET variable codes
- FC (µmolCO2 m-2 s-1): Carbon Dioxide (CO2) turbulent flux (without storage component)
- FC_SSITC_TEST (adimensional): Quality check – CO2 flux – * see the note
- SC (µmolCO2 m-2 s-1): Carbon Dioxide (CO2) storage flux measured with a vertical profile system, optional if tower shorter than 3 m
- CO2 (µmolCO2 mol-1): Carbon Dioxide (CO2) mole fraction in moist air
- LE (W m-2): latent heat turbulent flux, without storage correction
- LE_SSITC_TEST (adimensional): Quality check – latent heat flux – * see the note
- SLE (W m-2): Latent heat storage below flux measurement level
- H2O (ppt: mmolH2O mol-1): Water (H2O) vapor mole fraction
- H (W m-2): sensible heat turbulent flux, without storage correction
- H_SSITC_TEST (adimensional): Quality check – sensible heat flux – * see the note
- SH (W m-2): Heat storage in air below flux measurement level
Wind & Footprint
- USTAR (m s-1): friction velocity
- WD (°): wind direction
- WS (m s-1): horizontal wind speed
- FETCH_70 (m): Fetch at which footprint cumulated probability is 70%
- FETCH_90 (m): Fetch at which footprint cumulated probability is 90%
- FETCH_MAX (m): Fetch at which footprint cumulated probability is maximum
* note: for the quality flag definition please refer to this document: Quality Flags Definition
Meteo Variables
from meteo data files, renamed according to EFDC / FLUXNET variable codes
- TA (°C): air temperature
- RH (%): relative humidity (range 0–100%)
- PA (kPa): atmospheric pressure
- SW_IN (W m-2): incoming shortwave radiation
Not Mandatory
- G (W m-2): ground heat flux, not mandatory, but needed for the energy balance closure calculations
- NETRAD (W m-2): net radiation, not mandatory, but needed for the energy balance closure calculations
- TS (°C): soil temperature
- PPFD_IN (µmolPhotons m-2 s-1): incoming photosynthetic photon flux density
- P (mm): precipitation total of each 30 or 60 minute period
- LW_IN (W m-2): incoming (down-welling) longwave radiation
- SWC (%): soil water content (volumetric), range 0–100%
Example: FLUXNET Processing Steps
The processing steps in FLUXNET are approximately like this:
- Level-1 fluxes are uploaded by PI
- Level-3 produced by FLUXNET
- calculation of NEE (storage correction, gives NEE, Papale et al., 2006)
- extension of QC flags, quality checks (spikes, u* filtering flags to filter for low-turbulence conditions, creates additional data gaps)
- Level-4 produced by FLUXNET
- application of QC flags, e.g. spike removal (Papale et al., 2006)
- gap-filling
- partitioning (using NEE: Gross Primary Production, GPP; Terrestrial Ecosystem Respiration, TER)
- aggregation to different time resolutions
Last Updated on 5 Oct 2024 13:19