FLUXNET Variable Codes
Variables in the HALF-HOURLY FULLSET Data Product (all variables)
Source: FLUXNET_variable_codes_FULLSET_20200504.csv, downloaded from here on 16 Dec 2022.
Note that this list contains abbreviations and units from the half-hourly dataset.
511 | TIMESTAMP | ISO timestamp - short format | YYYYMMDDHHMM | TIMEKEEPING | half-hourly |
811 | TIMESTAMP_START | ISO timestamp start of averaging period - short format | YYYYMMDDHHMM | TIMEKEEPING | half-hourly |
812 | TIMESTAMP_END | ISO timestamp end of averaging period - short format | YYYYMMDDHHMM | TIMEKEEPING | half-hourly |
813 | TA_F_MDS | Air temperature, gapfilled using MDS method | deg C | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
814 | TA_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for TA_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
815 | TA_ERA | Air temperature, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data | deg C | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
816 | TA_F | Air temperature, consolidated from TA_F_MDS and TA_ERA; TA_F_MDS used if TA_F_MDS_QC is 0 or 1 | deg C | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
817 | TA_F_QC | Quality flag for TA_F; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
818 | SW_IN_POT | Shortwave radiation, incoming, potential (top of atmosphere); | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
819 | SW_IN_F_MDS | Shortwave radiation, incoming, gapfilled using MDS (negative values set to zero, e.g., negative values from instrumentation noise); | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
820 | SW_IN_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for SW_IN_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
821 | SW_IN_ERA | Shortwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data (negative values set to zero); | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
822 | SW_IN_F | Shortwave radiation, incoming consolidated from SW_IN_F_MDS and SW_IN_ERA (negative values set to zero); SW_IN_F_MDS used if SW_IN_F_MDS_QC is 0 or 1 | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
823 | SW_IN_F_QC | Quality flag for SW_IN_F; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
824 | LW_IN_F_MDS | Longwave radiation, incoming, gapfilled using MDS; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
825 | LW_IN_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
826 | LW_IN_ERA | Longwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
827 | LW_IN_F | Longwave radiation, incoming, consolidated from LW_IN_F_MDS and LW_IN_ERA; LW_IN_F_MDS used if LW_IN_F_MDS_QC is 0 or 1 | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
828 | LW_IN_F_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_F; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
829 | LW_IN_JSB | Longwave radiation, incoming, calculated from TA_F_MDS, SW_IN_F_MDS, VPD_F_MDS and SW_IN_POT using the JSBACH algorithm (Sonke Zaehle); | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
830 | LW_IN_JSB_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_JSB; highest from TA_F_MDS_QC, SW_IN_F_MDS_QC, and VPD_F_MDS_QC, poorest quality prevails | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
831 | LW_IN_JSB_ERA | Longwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using site level LW_IN_JSB calculated from measured only drivers; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
832 | LW_IN_JSB_F | Longwave radiation, incoming, consolidated from LW_IN_JSB and LW_IN_JSB_ERA; LW_IN_JSB used if LW_IN_JSB_QC is 0 or 1 | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
833 | LW_IN_JSB_F_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_JSB_F; 0 = calculated from measured drivers; 1 = calculated from good quality gapfilled drivers; 2: downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
834 | VPD_F_MDS | Vapor Pressure Deficit, gapfilled using MDS; | hPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
835 | VPD_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for VPD_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
836 | VPD_ERA | Vapor Pressure Deficit, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data; | hPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
837 | VPD_F | Vapor Pressure Deficit consolidated from VPD_F_MDS and VPD_ERA; VPD_F_MDS used if VPD_F_MDS_QC is 0 or 1 | hPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
838 | VPD_F_QC | Quality flag for VPD_F; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
839 | PA | Atmospheric pressure; | kPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
840 | PA_ERA | Atmospheric pressure, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data; | kPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
841 | PA_F | Atmospheric pressure consolidated from PA and PA_ERA; PA used if measured | kPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
842 | PA_F_QC | Quality flag for PA_F; 0 = measured; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
843 | P | Precipitation; | mm | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
844 | P_ERA | Precipitation, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data; (mm per dataset resolution: either hour or half-hour) | mm | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
845 | P_F | Precipitation consolidated from P and P_ERA; P used if measured (mm per dataset resolution: either hour or half-hour) | mm | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
846 | P_F_QC | Quality flag for P_F; 0 = measured; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
847 | WS | Wind speed; | m s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
848 | WS_ERA | Wind speed, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data; | m s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
849 | WS_F | Wind speed, consolidated from WS and WS_ERA; WS used if measured | m s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
850 | WS_F_QC | Quality flag of WS_F; 0 = measured; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
851 | WD | Wind direction; | Decimal degrees | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
852 | RH | Relative humidity, range 0-100; | % | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
853 | USTAR | Friction velocity; | m s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
854 | NETRAD | Net radiation; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
855 | PPFD_IN | Photosynthetic photon flux density, incoming; | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
856 | PPFD_DIF | Photosynthetic photon flux density, diffuse incoming; | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
857 | PPFD_OUT | Photosynthetic photon flux density, outgoing; | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
858 | SW_DIF | Shortwave radiation, diffuse incoming; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
859 | SW_OUT | Shortwave radiation, outgoing; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
860 | LW_OUT | Longwave radiation, outgoing; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
861 | CO2_F_MDS | CO2 mole fraction, gapfilled with MDS; | µmolCO2 mol-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
862 | CO2_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for CO2_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
863 | TS_F_MDS_# | Soil temperature, gapfilled with MDS (numeric index "#" increases with the depth, 1 is shallowest); | deg C | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
864 | TS_F_MDS_#_QC | Quality flag for TS_F_MDS_#; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
865 | SWC_F_MDS_# | Soil water content, gapfilled with MDS (numeric index "#" increases with the depth, 1 is shallowest); | % | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
866 | SWC_F_MDS_#_QC | Quality flag for SWC_F_MDS_#; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | half-hourly |
867 | G_F_MDS | Soil heat flux; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
868 | G_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag of G_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
869 | LE_F_MDS | Latent heat flux, gapfilled using MDS method; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
870 | LE_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for LE_F_MDS, LE_CORR, LE_CORR25, and LE_CORR75.; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
871 | LE_CORR | Latent heat flux, corrected LE_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
872 | LE_CORR_25 | Latent heat flux, corrected LE_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 25th percentile; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
873 | LE_CORR_75 | Latent heat flux, corrected LE_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 75th percentile; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
874 | LE_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty of LE, from measured only data; uses only data point where LE_F_MDS_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods (see header and LE_RANDUNC_METHOD) | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
875 | LE_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of LE; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
876 | LE_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of LE; | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
877 | LE_CORR_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for LE; [SQRT(LE_RANDUNC^2 + ((LE_CORR75 - LE_CORR25) / 1.349)^2)] | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
878 | H_F_MDS | Sensible heat flux, gapfilled using MDS method; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
879 | H_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for H_F_MDS, H_CORR, H_CORR25, and H_CORR75.; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
880 | H_CORR | Sensible heat flux, corrected H_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
881 | H_CORR_25 | Sensible heat flux, corrected H_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 25th percentile; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
882 | H_CORR_75 | Sensible heat flux, corrected H_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 75th percentile; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
883 | H_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty of H, from measured only data; uses only data point where H_F_MDS_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods (see header and H_RANDUNC_METHOD) | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
884 | H_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of H; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
885 | H_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of H; | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
886 | H_CORR_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for H; [SQRT(H_RANDUNC^2 + ((H_CORR75 - H_CORR25) / 1.349)^2)] | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
887 | EBC_CF_N | Number of data points used to calculate energy closure balance correction factor. Driver data points within sliding window (ECB_CF Method 1) or number of ECB_CF data points (for ECB_CF Methods 2 and 3); for ECB_CF Method 1 (minimum 5, maximum 93) | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
888 | EBC_CF_METHOD | Method used to calculate the energy balance closure correction factor; 1 = ECB_CF Method 1, 2 = ECB_CF Method 2, 3 = ECB_CF Method 3. See general description for details | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | half-hourly |
889 | NIGHT | Flag indicating nighttime interval based on SW_IN_POT; 0 = daytime, 1 = nighttime | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
890 | NEE_CUT_REF | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Constant Ustar Threshold (CUT) across years, reference selected on the basis of the model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
891 | NEE_VUT_REF | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, reference selected on the basis of the model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
892 | NEE_CUT_REF_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_REF; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
893 | NEE_VUT_REF_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_REF; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
894 | NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_CUT_REF, from measured only data; uses only data points where NEE_CUT_REF_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods - see header and NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
895 | NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_VUT_REF, from measured only data; uses only data points where NEE_VUT_REF_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods - see header and NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
896 | NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_REF; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
897 | NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_REF; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
898 | NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC_N | Number of data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_REF; | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
899 | NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC_N | Number of data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_REF; | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
900 | NEE_CUT_REF_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_CUT_REF, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty; [SQRT(NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_CUT_84 - NEE_CUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
901 | NEE_VUT_REF_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_REF, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty; [SQRT(NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_VUT_84 - NEE_VUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
902 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50 | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Constant Ustar Threshold (CUT) across years, from 50 percentile of USTAR threshold; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
903 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50 | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, from 50 percentile of USTAR threshold; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
904 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_USTAR50; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
905 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_USTAR50; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
906 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_CUT_USTAR50, from measured only data; uses only data points where NEE_CUT_USTAR50_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods - see header and NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
907 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_VUT_USTAR50, from measured only data; uses only data points where NEE_VUT_USTAR50_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods see header and NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
908 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_USTAR50; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
909 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_USTAR50; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
910 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_USTAR50; | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
911 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_USTAR50; | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
912 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_CUT_USTAR50, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty; [SQRT(NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_CUT_84 - NEE_CUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
913 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_USTAR50, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty; [SQRT(NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_VUT_84 - NEE_VUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
914 | NEE_CUT_MEAN | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Constant Ustar Threshold (CUT) across years, average from 40 NEE_CUT_XX versions; average from 40 half-hourly NEE_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
915 | NEE_VUT_MEAN | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, average from 40 NEE_VUT_XX versions; average from 40 half-hourly NEE_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
916 | NEE_CUT_MEAN_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_MEAN, fraction between 0-1 indicating percentage of good quality data; average of percentages of good data (NEE_CUT_XX_QC is 0 or 1) from 40 NEE_CUT_XX_QC | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
917 | NEE_VUT_MEAN_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_MEAN, fraction between 0-1 indicating percentage of good quality data; average of percentages of good data (NEE_VUT_XX_QC is 0 or 1) from 40 NEE_VUT_XX_QC | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
918 | NEE_CUT_SE | Standard Error for NEE_CUT, calculated as SD(NEE_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40); SE from 40 half-hourly NEE_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
919 | NEE_VUT_SE | Standard Error for NEE_VUT, calculated as SD(NEE_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40); SE from 40 half-hourly NEE_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
920 | NEE_CUT_XX | NEE CUT percentiles (approx. percentile indicated by XX, see doc.) calculated from the 40 estimates aggregated at the different time resolutions -- XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95; XXth percentile from 40 half-hourly NEE_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
921 | NEE_VUT_XX | NEE VUT percentiles (approx. percentile indicated by XX, see doc.) calculated from the 40 estimates aggregated at the different time resolutions -- XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95; XXth percentile from 40 half-hourly NEE_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
922 | NEE_CUT_XX_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_XX -- XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
923 | NEE_VUT_XX_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_XX -- XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | half-hourly |
924 | RECO_NT_VUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
925 | RECO_NT_VUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
926 | RECO_NT_VUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
927 | RECO_NT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_NT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
928 | RECO_NT_VUT_XX | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
929 | RECO_NT_CUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
930 | RECO_NT_CUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
931 | RECO_NT_CUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
932 | RECO_NT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_NT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
933 | RECO_NT_CUT_XX | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
934 | GPP_NT_VUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
935 | GPP_NT_VUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
936 | GPP_NT_VUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
937 | GPP_NT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_NT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
938 | GPP_NT_VUT_XX | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
939 | GPP_NT_CUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
940 | GPP_NT_CUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
941 | GPP_NT_CUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
942 | GPP_NT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_NT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
943 | GPP_NT_CUT_XX | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
944 | RECO_DT_VUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
945 | RECO_DT_VUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
946 | RECO_DT_VUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
947 | RECO_DT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_DT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
948 | RECO_DT_VUT_XX | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
949 | RECO_DT_CUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
950 | RECO_DT_CUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
951 | RECO_DT_CUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
952 | RECO_DT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_DT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
953 | RECO_DT_CUT_XX | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
954 | GPP_DT_VUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
955 | GPP_DT_VUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
956 | GPP_DT_VUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
957 | GPP_DT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_DT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
958 | GPP_DT_VUT_XX | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
959 | GPP_DT_CUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
960 | GPP_DT_CUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
961 | GPP_DT_CUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
962 | GPP_DT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_DT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
963 | GPP_DT_CUT_XX | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | half-hourly |
964 | RECO_SR | Ecosystem Respiration, from Sundown Respiration partitioning method; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | SUNDOWN | half-hourly |
Last Updated on 27 Aug 2023 00:01