Variable Abbreviations
This list gives an overview of variables commonly used in eddy covariance ecosystem research.
Note: use the search bar above the table to find specific items.
- The list below contains abbreviations along with description of many variables used in FLUXNET, ICOS, Ameriflux, EddyPro, Reddyproc, diive, among others.
wdt_ID | Label | Description | Units (preferred) or format | Category | Used In |
1 | #gfRF | Gap-filled using random forest | same as input var | diive | |
2 | #odAL | Outliers were removed using outlier detection: absolute limits | same as input var | diive | |
3 | (FLUX)_QCF | (suffix) measured (not gap-filled) data with the respective QCF flag applied | |||
4 | (footprint) model | Model for footprint estimation | - | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
5 | (z-d)/L | Monin-Obukhov stability parameter | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
6 | _CUT_ | constant USTAR threshold across years | |||
7 | _fsd / _FSD | (suffix) Standard deviation of datapoints used for gap filling (uncertainty) | ReddyProc | ||
8 | _fsdu | (suffix) Standard deviation across uStar thresholds (uncertainty, bias) | ReddyProc | ||
9 | _fsdug | (suffix) Combination of random uncertainty and uncertainty due to USTAR: sqrt(fsd^2 + fsdu^2) | ReddyProc | ||
10 | _fwin | (suffix) Full window length used for gap filling | ReddyProc | ||
11 | _orig | (suffix) Original values used for gap filling | ReddyProc | ||
12 | _QCF0 | (suffix) measured (not gap-filled) data of highest quality | diive | ||
13 | _QCF01 | (suffix) measured (not gap-filled) data of highest and OK quality | diive | ||
14 | _SCF | (suffix) Spectral correction factor for the respective flux | # | ||
15 | _sd / _SD | (suffix) Standard deviation | ReddyProc | ||
16 | _SUT_ | seasonal USTAR threshold, seasons are specified by the user | |||
17 | _Thres | (suffix) the threshold of uStar values used to mark insufficient conditions | m s-1 | ReddyProc | |
18 | _U05 | (suffix) low estimate (5% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution) | ReddyProc | ||
19 | _U50 | (suffix) median estimate (50% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution) | ReddyProc | ||
20 | _U95 | (suffix) high estimate (95% quantile of the bootstrapped uncertainty distribution) | ReddyProc | ||
21 | _uStar | (suffix) estimate on the original unbootstrapped data | ReddyProc | ||
22 | _VUT_ | variable USTAR threshold for each year | |||
23 | abs_lim | Hard flags for individual variables for absolute limits | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
24 | AGC | Automatic Gain Control LI-7500 | % | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
25 | AGC | Mean value of AGC for LI‑7500RS or LI‑7200RS | % | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
26 | air_density | Density of ambient air | kg m-3 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
27 | air_heat_capactiy | Specific heat at constant pressure of ambient air | J K-1 kg-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
28 | air_molar_volume | Molar volume of ambient air | m3 mol-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
29 | air_pressure | Mean pressure of ambient air, either calculated from high frequency air pressure readings, or estimated based on site altitude (barometric pressure) | Pa | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
30 | air_temperature | Mean temperature of ambient air, either calculated from high frequency air temperature readings, or estimated from sonic temperature | K | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
31 | ALB | Albedo, range 0-100 | % | Ameriflux | |
32 | amp_res | Hard flags for individual variables for amplitude resolution | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
33 | APAR | Absorbed PAR | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | Ameriflux | |
34 | ATM | Atmospheric | - | ||
35 | attack_angle | Hard flag for attack angle test | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
36 | AVG | Average | - | ||
37 | AW | All-wave radiation | |||
38 | AW_IN | All-wave incoming radiation without correction (Pyrradiometer) | W m–2 | ||
39 | AW_OUT | All-wave outgoing radiation without correction (Pyrradiometer) | W m–2 | ||
40 | BAK | Backup measurement, e.g. used at ICOS station CH-DAV | |||
41 | BC | Below Canopy | - | ||
42 | BD | Bulk density | g cm-3 | ||
43 | BICO | Python script for BInary COnversion of EC raw data binary files to ASCII format | - | BICO | |
44 | bowen_ratio | Sensible heat flux to latent heat flux ratio | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
45 | BV | Battery voltage | V | ||
46 | BV_EC | Battery Voltage EC system | V | ||
47 | BV_iDL | Internal Battery Voltage Logger | V (location and replicate number is essential) | ||
48 | CH4 | CH4 molar fraction (in humid air), wet mole fraction | nmol mol-1, µmol mol-1 | ||
49 | CH4_DRY | CH4 dry mole fraction (in dry air), mixing ratio, ppb | nmol mol-1 | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
50 | CH4_MIXING_RATIO | Methane (CH4) in mole fraction of dry air | nmolCH4 mol-1 | Ameriflux | |
51 | CH4_QCL_CMB | CH4 concentration from QCL for chamber system | ppb (nmol CH4 mol-1) | ||
52 | CH4_QCL_EC | CH4 concentration from QCL for eddy system | ppb (nmol CH4 mol-1) | ||
53 | CH4_QCL_PRF | CH4 concentration from QCL for profile system | ppb (nmol CH4 mol-1) | ||
54 | CM | Chamber | - | ||
55 | CMB | Chamber | - | ||
56 | CNT | Suffix for counts | - | ||
57 | CO | Carbon Monoxide (CO) mole fraction in wet air | nmolCO mol-1 | Ameriflux | |
58 | CO2 | Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in mole fraction of wet air | umolCO2 mol-1 | ICOS / Ameriflux | |
59 | CO2_BOLE | tree stem CO2 | vol% | ||
60 | CO2_CONC | CO2 concentration density, molar density | mmol m-3 | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
61 | CO2_DRY | CO2 dry mole fraction (in dry air), mixing ratio, ppm (parts per million) | µmol CO2 mol-1 | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
62 | CO2_DRY | Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in mole fraction of dry air | umolCO2 mol-1 | ICOS | |
63 | CO2_DRY_n | Profile level-specific carbon dioxide in mole fraction of dry air averaged over the whole respective half-hour (_n is an integer number going from 1 to n top-down) | umolCO2 mol-1 | ICOS | |
64 | CO2_DRY_n_SE | Standard error of profile level-specific carbon dioxide in mole fraction of dry air as estimenated over the whole respective half-hour (_n is an integer number going from 1 to n top-down) | umolCO2 mol-1 | ICOS | |
65 | CO2_F_MDS | CO2 mole fraction, gapfilled with MDS; | µmolCO2 mol-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
66 | CO2_F_MDS | CO2 mole fraction, gapfilled with MDS | µmolCO2 mol-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
67 | CO2_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for CO2_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
68 | CO2_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for CO2_F_MDS. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
69 | CO2_HD10_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on differenced carbon dioxide 0: negligible evidences of error, IF HD10_STAT1) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
70 | CO2_HD10_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on differenced carbon dioxide (percentage of data exceeding ñ10?) | % | ICOS | |
71 | CO2_HD5_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on differenced carbon dioxide (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HD5_STAT4) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
72 | CO2_HD5_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on differenced carbon dioxide (percentage of data exceeding ñ5?) | % | ICOS | |
73 | CO2_HF10_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on carbon dioxide fluctuations (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HF10_STAT1) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
74 | CO2_HF10_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on carbon dioxide fluctuations (percentage of data exceeding ñ10?) | % | ICOS | |
75 | CO2_HF5_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on carbon dioxide fluctuations (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HF5_STAT4) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
76 | CO2_HF5_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on carbon dioxide fluctuations (percentage of data exceeding ñ5?) | % | ICOS | |
77 | CO2_IRGA70_CMB | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7000 for chamber system | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
78 | CO2_IRGA70_EC | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7000 for eddy system | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
79 | CO2_IRGA70_PRF | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7000 for profile | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
80 | CO2_IRGA70_STM | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7000, in stem | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
81 | CO2_IRGA72_CMB | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7200 for chamber system | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
82 | CO2_IRGA72_EC | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7200 for eddy system | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
83 | CO2_IRGA72_PRF | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7200 for profile | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
84 | CO2_IRGA72_STM | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7200, in stem | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
85 | CO2_IRGA75_CMB | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7500 for chamber system | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
86 | CO2_IRGA75_EC | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7500 for eddy system | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
87 | CO2_IRGA75_PRF | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7500 for profile | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
88 | CO2_IRGA75_STM | CO2 concentration from IRGA Li-7500, in stem | µmol CO2 mol-1 | ||
89 | CO2_KID_FLAG | Flag for the CO2_KID_STAT (0: negligible evidences of error, IF KID_STAT50) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
90 | CO2_KID_STAT | Kurtosis Index of Differenced carbon dioxide | nondimensional | ICOS | |
91 | CO2_MIXING_RATIO | Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in mole fraction of dry air | µmolCO2 mol-1 | Ameriflux | |
92 | CO2_SIGMA | Standard deviation of carbon dioxide mole fraction in wet air | µmolCO2 mol-1 | Ameriflux | |
93 | CO2_SIGMA | Standard deviation of carbon dioxide in mole fraction of wet air | umolCO2 mol-1 | ICOS | |
94 | CO2C13 | Stable isotopic composition of CO2 - C13 (i.e., d13C of CO2) | ‰ (permil) | Ameriflux | |
95 | COND_WATER | Conductivity (i.e., electrical conductivity) of water | µS cm-1 | Ameriflux | |
96 | COOLER_V | Cooler voltage | V | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
97 | CUP | Cup Anemometer | - | ||
98 | D | Depth | - | ||
99 | D_SNOW | Snow depth | cm, m | Ameriflux | |
100 | DATA_SIZE | Data size of instrument data block, number of bytes in instrument record | bytes | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
101 | DATE | date | yyyy-mm-dd | ||
102 | date | Date of the end of the averaging period | yyyy-mm-dd | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
103 | DAY | 2 digit day of month | dd | ||
104 | DBH | diameter of tree measured at breast height(1.3 m) | cm | ||
105 | DBH | Diameter of tree measured at breast height (1.3m) with continuous dendrometers | cm | Ameriflux | |
106 | DENDRO | Dendrometer | mm | ||
107 | DIF | Diffuse | - | ||
108 | discontinuities | Hard flags for individual variables for discontinuities test | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
109 | discontinuities | Soft flags for individual variables for discontinuities test | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
110 | DNTP | Time Difference between NTP Clock and Clock | msec | ||
111 | DO | Dissolved oxygen in water | µmol L-1 | Ameriflux | |
112 | DOC | Dissolved organic carbon | mg l-1 | ||
113 | DOY | 3 digit day of year | ddd | ||
114 | drop_out | Hard flags for individual variables for drop-out test | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
115 | DT | Daytime (used in partitioning) | - | Fluxes | |
116 | e | Ambient water vapor partial pressure | Pa | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
117 | E0 | activation energy parameter (K) in relationship between temperature and nighttime NEE from night-time partitioning | ReddyProc | ||
118 | EBC_CF_METHOD | Method used to calculate the energy balance closure correction factor; 1 = ECB_CF Method 1, 2 = ECB_CF Method 2, 3 = ECB_CF Method 3. See general description for details | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
119 | EBC_CF_METHOD | Method used to calculate the energy balance closure correction factor. 1 = ECB_CF Method 1, 2 = ECB_CF Method 2, 3 = ECB_CF Method 3. See general description for details | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
120 | EBC_CF_N | Number of data points used to calculate energy closure balance correction factor. Driver data points within sliding window (ECB_CF Method 1) or number of ECB_CF data points (for ECB_CF Methods 2 and 3); for ECB_CF Method 1 (minimum 5, maximum 93) | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
121 | EBC_CF_N | Number of data points used to calculate energy closure balance correction factor. Driver data points within sliding window (ECB_CF Method 1) or number of ECB_CF data points (for ECB_CF Methods 2 and 3). | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
122 | EC | Eddy covariance | - | Fluxes | |
123 | EP | EddyPro Flux Calculation Software | - | ||
124 | es | Ambient water vapor partial pressure at saturation | Pa | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
125 | ET | Evapotranspiration flux | mm hour-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
126 | ET_f | Gap-filled evapotranspiration flux, calculated from gap-filled LE | mmol H20 m-2 s-1 | ReddyProc | |
127 | EXT | External | - | ||
128 | extravar_mean | Mean value of extravar | (‡) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
129 | f | (suffix) Original values and gaps filled with mean of selected datapoints (condition depending on gap filling method) | ReddyProc | ||
130 | fall | (suffix) All values considered as gaps (for uncertainty estimates) | ReddyProc | ||
131 | fall_qc | (suffix) All values considered as gaps (for uncertainty estimates) | ReddyProc | ||
132 | FAPAR | Fraction of absorbed PAR, range 0-100 | % | Ameriflux | |
133 | FC | Carbon Dioxide (CO2) turbulent flux (no storage correction) | umolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / Ameriflux | |
134 | FC_FMR_FLAG | Flag for the FMR test for FC (0: negligible evidences of error, IF FMR15) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
135 | FC_FMR_STAT | Fraction of Missing Records in raw, high-frequency, data used for FC flux estimation | % | ICOS | |
136 | FC_LGD_FLAG | Flag for the LGD test for FC (0: negligible evidences of error, IF LGD180) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
137 | FC_LGD_STAT | Longest Gap Duration in raw, high-frequency, data used for FC flux estimation | seconds | ICOS | |
138 | FC_LSR_FLAG | Flag for the LSR test for FC (0: negligible evidences of error, IF LSR_STAT>0.995; 1: moderate evidences of error, IF 0.99?LSR_STAT?0.995; 2: severe evidences of error, IF LSR_STAT | nondimensional | ICOS | |
139 | FC_LSR_STAT | Statistic of the Low Signal Resolution test for FC | nondimensional | ICOS | |
140 | FC_M98_FLAG | Flag of the FC_M98_STAT (0: negligible evidences of error, IF M_98_STAT3) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
141 | FC_M98_STAT | Statistic of the nonstationarity ratio test by Mahrt (1998) for FC | nondimensional | ICOS | |
142 | FC_SCF_STAT | Spectral correction factor for NEE | nondimensional | ICOS | |
143 | FC_SSITC_TEST | Results of the quality flagging for FC according to Foken et al 2004, based on a combination of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (i.e., 0, 1, 2) | nondimensional | Ameriflux | |
144 | FC_SSITC_TEST | Quality flagging for FC according to classification scheme by Foken et al (2004) and based on the combination of the results of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (0: high quality; 1:intermediate quality | nondimensional | ICOS | |
145 | FCH4 | Methane (CH4) turbulent flux (no storage correction) | nmolCH4 m-2 s-1 | Ameriflux | |
146 | FCH4_L2_QCF | CH4 flux quality-controlled with Level-2 flags | nmol CH4 m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
147 | FCH4_L3.1_L3.2_QCF | CH4 flux quality-controlled with Level-2 and Level-3.2 flags, including Level-3.1 storage correction) | nmol CH4 m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
148 | FCH4_L3.1_L3.2_QCF0 | CH4 highest-quality flux (QCF=0), quality-controlled with Level-2 and Level-3.2 flags, including Level-3.1 storage correction) | nmol CH4 m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
149 | FCH4_L3.1_L3.3_CUT_50_QCF | CH4 flux quality-controlled with Level-2 and Level-3.2 flags, and after Level-3.3 USTAR filtering (CUT_50), including Level-3.1 storage correction | nmol CH4 m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
150 | FCH4_L3.1_L3.3_CUT_50_QCF_gfRF | CH4 flux quality-controlled with Level-2 and Level-3.2 flags, and after Level-3.3 USTAR filtering (CUT_50), including Level-3.1 storage correction, gap-filled using random forest | nmol CH4 m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
151 | FCH4_L3.1_QCF | CH4 flux quality-controlled with Level-2 flags, including Level-3.1 storage correction | nmol CH4 m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
152 | FCH4_SSITC_TEST | Results of the quality flagging for FCH4 according to Foken et al 2004, based on a combination of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (i.e., 0, 1, 2) | nondimensional | Ameriflux | |
153 | FETCH_70 | Distance at which footprint cumulative probability is 70% | m | ||
154 | FETCH_70 | Distance at which cross-wind integrated footprint cumulative probability is 70% | m | ICOS | |
155 | FETCH_80 | Distance at which footprint cumulative probability is 80% | m | ||
156 | FETCH_80 | Distance at which cross-wind integrated footprint cumulative probability is 80% | m | ICOS | |
157 | FETCH_90 | Distance at which footprint cumulative probability is 90% | m | ||
158 | FETCH_90 | Distance at which cross-wind integrated footprint cumulative probability is 90% | m | ICOS | |
159 | FETCH_FILTER | Footprint quality flag (i.e., 0, 1): 0 and 1 indicate data measured when wind coming from direction that should be discarded and kept, respectively | nondimensional | Ameriflux | |
160 | FETCH_MAX | Distance at which footprint contribution is maximum | m | ||
161 | FETCH_MAX | Distance at which cross-wind integrated footprint contribution is maximum | m | ICOS | |
162 | file_records | Number of valid records found in the raw file (or set of raw files) | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
163 | filename | Name of the raw file (or the first of a set) from which the dataset for the current averaging interval was extracted | - | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
164 | FIPAR | Fraction of intercepted PAR, range 0-100 | % | Ameriflux | |
165 | FIT_FLAG | Fit flag | flag | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
166 | FLAG_(FLUX)_QCF | quality control flag, overall quality flag for the respective flux | 0=best, 1=medium, 2=bad data | diive | |
167 | FLAG_FCH4_L3.1_L3.3_CUT_50_QCF_gfRF_ISFILLED | Flag showing whether the CH4 flux was gap-filled or measured | 1=gap-filled, 0=measured | FLAG | diive |
168 | FLAG_FN2O_L3.1_L3.3_CUT_50_QCF_gfRF_ISFILLED | Flag showing whether the N2O flux was gap-filled or measured | 1=gap-filled, 0=measured | FLAG | diive |
169 | FLOW_VOLRATE | Volume flow rate in the sampling line | L min-1 | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
170 | fmeth / FMETH | (suffix) Method used for gap filling: 1 = similar meteo condition (sFillLUT with Rg, VPD, Tair) 2 = similar meteo (sFillLUT with Rg only) 3 = mean diurnal course (sFillMDC)) | ReddyProc | ||
171 | FN2O | Nitrous oxide (N2O) turbulent flux (no storage correction) | nmolN2O m-2 s-1 | Ameriflux | |
172 | FN2O_L2_QCF | N2O flux quality-controlled with Level-2 flags | nmol N2O m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
173 | FN2O_L3.1_L3.2_QCF | N2O flux quality-controlled with Level-2 and Level-3.2 flags, including Level-3.1 storage correction) | nmol N2O m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
174 | FN2O_L3.1_L3.2_QCF0 | N2O highest-quality flux (QCF=0), quality-controlled with Level-2 and Level-3.2 flags, including Level-3.1 storage correction) | nmol N2O m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
175 | FN2O_L3.1_L3.3_CUT_50_QCF | N2O flux quality-controlled with Level-2 and Level-3.2 flags, and after Level-3.3 USTAR filtering (CUT_50), including Level-3.1 storage correction | nmol N2O m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
176 | FN2O_L3.1_L3.3_CUT_50_QCF_gfRF | N2O flux quality-controlled with Level-2 and Level-3.2 flags, and after Level-3.3 USTAR filtering (CUT_50), including Level-3.1 storage correction, gap-filled using random forest | nmol N2O m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
177 | FN2O_L3.1_QCF | N2O flux quality-controlled with Level-2 flags, including Level-3.1 storage correction | nmol N2O m-2 s-1 | FLUX | diive |
178 | FN2O_SSITC_TEST | Results of the quality flagging for FN2O according to Foken et al 2004, based on a combination of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (i.e., 0, 1, 2) | nondimensional | Ameriflux | |
179 | FNO | Nitric oxide (NO) turbulent flux (no storage correction) | nmolNO m-2 s-1 | Ameriflux | |
180 | FNO_SSITC_TEST | Results of the quality flagging for FNO according to Foken et al 2004, based on a combination of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (i.e., 0, 1, 2) | nondimensional | Ameriflux | |
181 | FNO2 | Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) turbulent flux (no storage correction) | nmolNO2 m-2 s-1 | Ameriflux | |
182 | FNO2_SSITC_TEST | Results of the quality flagging for FNO2 according to Foken et al 2004, based on a combination of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (i.e., 0, 1, 2) | nondimensional | Ameriflux | |
183 | fnum | (suffix) Number of datapoints used for gap filling | # | ReddyProc | |
184 | FO3 | Ozone (O3) turbulent flux (no storage correction) | nmolO3 m-2 s-1 | Ameriflux | |
185 | FO3_SSITC_TEST | Results of the quality flagging for FO3 according to Foken et al 2004, based on a combination of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (i.e., 0, 1, 2) | nondimensional | Ameriflux | |
186 | FOG | Fog presence | |||
187 | FOOTPRINT_80_SURF | 2D footprint 80% isoplethe area | m2 | ICOS | |
188 | FOOTPRINT_FLAG | Footprint flag (0, 1, 2, 3). 0 = data used for footprint, 1 = 2D footprint model flag error, 2 = not all 2D footprint model isoplethes within specified domain, 3 = data removed because of invalid conditions for footprint model | nondimensional | ICOS | |
189 | FOOTPRINT_TA_CONTR | Cumulative footprint contribution of the footprint/target area intersection | % | ICOS | |
190 | FOOTPRINT_TA_SURF | Area of footprint/target area intersection | m2 | ICOS | |
191 | FP | Flux partitioning | ReddyProc | ||
192 | FP__sd | estimated standard devation of X | ReddyProc | ||
193 | FP_alpha | canopy light utilization efficiency and represents the initial slope of the light–response curve (daytime partitioning) | ReddyProc | ||
194 | FP_beta | maximum CO2 uptake rate of the canopy at light saturation (μmol m-2 s-1) (daytime partitioning) | μmol m-2 s-1 | ReddyProc | |
195 | FP_dRecPar | records until or after closest record that has a parameter estimate associated (daytime partitioning) | ReddyProc | ||
196 | FP_E0 | activation energy parameter (K) in relationship between temperature and nighttime NEE from day-time partitioning | ReddyProc | ||
197 | FP_GPP2000 | GPP at incoming radiation of 2000 Wm-2, more robust alternative to saturation FP_k | ReddyProc | ||
198 | FP_k | parameter controlling the VPD limitation of GPP (daytime partitioning) (daytime partitioning) | ReddyProc | ||
199 | FP_qc | quality flag of the estimated parameters: 0: good parameter fit, 1: some parameters out of range, required refit, 2: next parameter estimate is more than two weeks away (daytime partitioning) | ReddyProc | ||
200 | FP_RRef | respiration at reference temperature parameter (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) in relationship between temperature and nighttime NEE from day-time partitioning | μmol m-2 s-1 | ReddyProc | |
201 | FP_RRef_Night | same as FP_RRef using the same FP_E0, but from intermedate step based on night-time data | ReddyProc | ||
202 | fqc / FQC | (suffix) Quality flag assigned depending on gap filling method and window length: 0 = original, 1 = most reliable, 2 = medium, 3 = least reliable | # | ReddyProc | |
203 | G | Soil heat flux | W m-2 | Ameriflux | |
204 | G_F_MDS | Soil heat flux; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
205 | G_F_MDS | Soil heat flux | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
206 | G_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag of G_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
207 | G_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag of G_F_MDS. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
208 | G_SF | calibration/sensitivity factor of G | uV (W m-2)-1 | ||
209 | GA_DIAG_CODE | GA diagnostic value | # | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
210 | GA_DIAG_FLAG | Flag for gas analyzer (GA) instrumental diagnostics (0: negligible evidences of error; 2: severe evidences of error) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
211 | gas_def_timelag | Flag: whether the reported time lag is the default (T) or calculated (F) | T/F | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
212 | gas_flux | Corrected gas flux | µmol m-2 s-1(†) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
213 | gas_mixing_ratio | Measured or estimated mixing ratio of gas | µmol mol-1(†) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
214 | gas_molar_density | Measured or estimated molar density of gas | mmol m-3 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
215 | gas_mole_fraction | Measured or estimated mole fraction of gas | µmol mol-1(†) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
216 | gas_scf | Spectral correction factor for gas flux | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
217 | gas_strg | Estimate of storage gas flux | µmol s-1 m-2(†) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
218 | gas_time_lag | Time lag used to synchronize gas time series | s | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
219 | gas_v-adv | Estimate of vertical advection flux | µmol s-1 m-2(†) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
220 | GPP | Gross Primary Productivity (nighttime-based) | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | Ameriflux | |
221 | GPP_CUT_16_f | Gross primary production, i.e. influx to the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) (nighttime-based), modelled from NEE_CUT_16_f | μmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
222 | GPP_CUT_84_f | Gross primary production, i.e. influx to the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) (nighttime-based), modelled from NEE_CUT_84_f | μmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
223 | GPP_CUT_REF_f | Gross primary production, i.e. influx to the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) (nighttime-based), modelled from NEE_CUT_REF_f | μmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
224 | GPP_DT | Gross primary production, i.e. influx to the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) estimated by day-time partitioning | μmol m-2 s-1 | ReddyProc | |
225 | GPP_DT_CUT_05 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 05 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
226 | GPP_DT_CUT_16 | Gross primary production, i.e. influx to the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) estimated by day-time partitioning, modelled from NEE_CUT_16_f | μmol m-2 s-1 | ||
227 | GPP_DT_CUT_16 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 16 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
228 | GPP_DT_CUT_25 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 25 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
229 | GPP_DT_CUT_50 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 50 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
230 | GPP_DT_CUT_75 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 75 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
231 | GPP_DT_CUT_84 | Gross primary production, i.e. influx to the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) estimated by day-time partitioning, modelled from NEE_CUT_84_f | μmol m-2 s-1 | ||
232 | GPP_DT_CUT_86 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 86 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
233 | GPP_DT_CUT_95 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 95 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
234 | GPP_DT_CUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
235 | GPP_DT_CUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version. average from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
236 | GPP_DT_CUT_REF | Gross primary production, i.e. influx to the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) estimated by day-time partitioning, modelled from NEE_CUT_REF_f | μmol m-2 s-1 | ||
237 | GPP_DT_CUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
238 | GPP_DT_CUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
239 | GPP_DT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_DT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
240 | GPP_DT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_DT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)). SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
241 | GPP_DT_CUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
242 | GPP_DT_CUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50 | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
243 | GPP_DT_CUT_XX | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
244 | GPP_DT_VUT_05 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 05 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
245 | GPP_DT_VUT_16 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 16 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
246 | GPP_DT_VUT_25 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 25 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
247 | GPP_DT_VUT_50 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 50 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
248 | GPP_DT_VUT_75 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 75 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
249 | GPP_DT_VUT_86 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 86 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
250 | GPP_DT_VUT_95 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 95 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
251 | GPP_DT_VUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
252 | GPP_DT_VUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version. average from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
253 | GPP_DT_VUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
254 | GPP_DT_VUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
255 | GPP_DT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_DT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
256 | GPP_DT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_DT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)). SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_DT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
257 | GPP_DT_VUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
258 | GPP_DT_VUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50 | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
259 | GPP_DT_VUT_XX | Gross Primary Production, from Daytime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
260 | GPP_f | Gross primary production, i.e. influx to the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) (nighttime-based) | μmol m-2 s-1 | ReddyProc | |
261 | GPP_NT_CUT_05 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 05 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
262 | GPP_NT_CUT_16 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 16 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
263 | GPP_NT_CUT_25 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 25 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
264 | GPP_NT_CUT_50 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 50 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
265 | GPP_NT_CUT_75 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 75 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
266 | GPP_NT_CUT_86 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 86 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
267 | GPP_NT_CUT_95 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 95 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
268 | GPP_NT_CUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
269 | GPP_NT_CUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version. average from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
270 | GPP_NT_CUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
271 | GPP_NT_CUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
272 | GPP_NT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_NT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
273 | GPP_NT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_NT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)). SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
274 | GPP_NT_CUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
275 | GPP_NT_CUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50 | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
276 | GPP_NT_CUT_XX | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
277 | GPP_NT_VUT_05 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 05 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
278 | GPP_NT_VUT_16 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 16 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
279 | GPP_NT_VUT_25 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 25 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
280 | GPP_NT_VUT_50 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 50 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
281 | GPP_NT_VUT_75 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 75 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
282 | GPP_NT_VUT_86 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 86 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
283 | GPP_NT_VUT_95 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 95 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
284 | GPP_NT_VUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
285 | GPP_NT_VUT_MEAN | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from GPP versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version. average from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
286 | GPP_NT_VUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
287 | GPP_NT_VUT_REF | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from GPP versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
288 | GPP_NT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_NT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
289 | GPP_NT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Gross Primary Production, calculated as (SD(GPP_NT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)). SE from 40 half-hourly GPP_NT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
290 | GPP_NT_VUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
291 | GPP_NT_VUT_USTAR50 | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50 | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
292 | GPP_NT_VUT_XX | Gross Primary Production, from Nighttime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
293 | GS | Stomatal Conductance | mmol H2O m-2 s-1 | ||
294 | GWL | Ground Water Level | m | ||
295 | H | Corrected sensible heat flux (no storage correction) | W m-2 | ||
296 | H | Corrected sensible heat flux | W m-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
297 | H | Sensible heat turbulent flux (no storage correction, cleaned) | W m-2 | ICOS | |
298 | H_CORR | Sensible heat flux, corrected H_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
299 | H_CORR | Sensible heat flux, corrected H_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
300 | H_CORR_25 | Sensible heat flux, corrected H_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 25th percentile; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
301 | H_CORR_25 | Sensible heat flux, corrected H_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 25th percentile | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
302 | H_CORR_75 | Sensible heat flux, corrected H_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 75th percentile; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
303 | H_CORR_75 | Sensible heat flux, corrected H_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 75th percentile | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
304 | H_CORR_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for H; [SQRT(H_RANDUNC^2 + ((H_CORR75 - H_CORR25) / 1.349)^2)] | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
305 | H_CORR_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for H. [SQRT(H_RANDUNC^2 + ((H_CORR75 - H_CORR25) / 1.349)^2)] | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
306 | H_DATA_FLAG | Flag for H (0: observed flux for which any quality control (QC) tests provided negligible evidences of error; 1: outlying flux rejected because at least one of the QC tests provided a moderate evidence of error; 2: flux removed because at least one of the | nondimensional | ICOS | |
307 | H_F_MDS | Sensible heat flux, gapfilled using MDS method; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
308 | H_F_MDS | Sensible heat flux, gapfilled using MDS method | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
309 | H_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for H_F_MDS, H_CORR, H_CORR25, and H_CORR75.; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
310 | H_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for H_F_MDS, H_CORR, H_CORR25, and H_CORR75. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
311 | H_FMR_FLAG | Flag for the FMR test for H (0: negligible evidences of error, IF FMR15) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
312 | H_FMR_STAT | Fraction of Missing Records in raw, high-frequency, data used for H flux estimation | % | ICOS | |
313 | H_LGD_FLAG | Flag for the LGD test for H (0: negligible evidences of error, IF LGD180) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
314 | H_LGD_STAT | Longest Gap Duration in raw, high-frequency, data used for H flux estimation | seconds | ICOS | |
315 | H_LSR_FLAG | Flag for the LSR test for H (0: negligible evidences of error, IF LSR_STAT>0.995; 1: moderate evidences of error, IF 0.99?LSR_STAT?0.995; 2: severe evidences of error, IF LSR_STAT | nondimensional | ICOS | |
316 | H_LSR_STAT | Statistic of the Low Signal Resolution test for H | nondimensional | ICOS | |
317 | H_M98_FLAG | Flag of the H_M98_STAT (0: negligible evidences of error, IF M_98_STAT3) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
318 | H_M98_STAT | Statistic of the nonstationarity ratio test by Mahrt (1998) for H | nondimensional | ICOS | |
319 | H_OOR_FLAG | Flag for H denoting values out of the physically plausible range (0: within range; 2: out of range). | nondimensional | ICOS | |
320 | H_OUTLYING_FLAG | Flag for H denoting outliers (0: no outlying flux; 1: outlying flux) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
321 | H_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty of H, from measured only data; uses only data point where H_F_MDS_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods (see header and H_RANDUNC_METHOD) | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
322 | H_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty of H, from measured only data. uses only data point where H_F_MDS_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods (see header and H_RANDUNC_METHOD) | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
323 | H_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of H; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
324 | H_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of H. 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
325 | H_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of H; | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
326 | H_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of H | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
327 | H_scf | Spectral correction factor for sensible heat flux | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
328 | H_SCF_STAT | Spectral correction factor for H | nondimensional | ICOS | |
329 | H_SSITC_TEST | Results of the quality flagging for H according to Foken et al 2004, based on a combination of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (i.e., 0, 1, 2) | nondimensional | Ameriflux | |
330 | H_SSITC_TEST | Quality flagging for H according to classification scheme by Foken et al (2004) and based on the combination of the results of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (0: high quality; 1:intermediate quality; | nondimensional | ICOS | |
331 | H_strg | Estimate of storage sensible heat flux | W m-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
332 | H_UNCLEANED | Sensible heat turbulent flux (no storage correction, uncleaned) | W m-2 | ICOS | |
333 | H2O | H2O molar fraction (in humid air), wet mole fraction | umol mol-1 | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
334 | H2O | Water (H2O) vapor in mole fraction of wet air | mmolH2O mol-1 | ICOS | |
335 | H2O_CONC | H2O concentration density, molar density | mmol m-3 | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
336 | H2O_DRY | H2O dry mole fraction (in dry air), mixing ratio, ppt (parts per THOUSAND) | mmol mol-1 | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
337 | H2O_DRY | Water (H2O) vapor in mole fraction of dry air | mmolH2O mol-1 | ICOS | |
338 | H2O_HD10_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on differenced water vapor 0: negligible evidences of error, IF HD10_STAT1) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
339 | H2O_HD10_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on differenced water vapor (percentage of data exceeding ñ10?) | % | ICOS | |
340 | H2O_HD5_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on differenced water vapor (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HD5_STAT4) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
341 | H2O_HD5_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on differenced water vapor (percentage of data exceeding ñ5?) | % | ICOS | |
342 | H2O_HF10_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on water vapor fluctuations (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HF10_STAT1) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
343 | H2O_HF10_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on water vapor fluctuations (percentage of data exceeding ñ10?) | % | ICOS | |
344 | H2O_HF5_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on water vapor fluctuations (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HF5_STAT4) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
345 | H2O_HF5_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on water vapor fluctuations (percentage of data exceeding ñ5?) | % | ICOS | |
346 | H2O_IRGA70_CMB | H2O concentration from IRGA Li-7000 for chamber system | mmol H2O mol-1 | ||
347 | H2O_IRGA70_EC | H2O concentration from IRGA Li-7000 for eddy system | mmol H2O mol-1 | ||
348 | H2O_IRGA70_PRF | H2O concentration from IRGA Li-7000 for profile | mmol H2O mol-1 | ||
349 | H2O_IRGA72_CMB | H2O concentration from IRGA Li-7200 for chamber system | mmol H2O mol-1 | ||
350 | H2O_IRGA72_EC | H2O concentration from IRGA Li-7200 for eddy system | mmol H2O mol-1 | ||
351 | H2O_IRGA72_PRF | H2O concentration from IRGA Li-7200 for profile | mmol H2O mol-1 | ||
352 | H2O_IRGA75_CMB | H2O concentration from IRGA Li-7500 for chamber system | mmol H2O mol-1 | ||
353 | H2O_IRGA75_EC | H2O concentration from IRGA Li-7500 for eddy system | mmol H2O mol-1 | ||
354 | H2O_IRGA75_PRF | H2O concentration from IRGA Li-7500 for profile | mmol H2O mol-1 | ||
355 | H2O_KID_FLAG | Flag for the H2O_KID_STAT (0: negligible evidences of error, IF KID_STAT50) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
356 | H2O_KID_STAT | Kurtosis Index of Differenced water vapor | nondimensional | ICOS | |
357 | H2O_MIXING_RATIO | Water (H2O) vapor in mole fraction of dry air | mmolH2O mol-1 | Ameriflux | |
358 | H2O_n | Profile level-specific water vapor in mole fraction of wet air averaged over the whole respective half-hour (_n is an integer number going from 1 to n top-down) | mmolH2O mol-1 | ICOS | |
359 | H2O_n_SE | Standard error of profile level-specific water vapor in mole fraction of wet air as estimenated over the whole respective half-hour (_n is an integer number going from 1 to n top-down) | mmolH2O mol-1 | ICOS | |
360 | H2O_QCL_EC | H2O concentration from QCL for eddy system | ppb (nmol H2O mol-1) | ||
361 | H2O_SIGMA | Standard deviation of water vapor mole fraction | mmolH2O mol-1 | ICOS / Ameriflux | |
362 | HEAT_ | Heating (prefix, e.g. for sonic heating) | |||
363 | HOUR | 2 digit hour of the day | HH | ||
364 | HS100 | Sonic anemometer Gill HS-100 | - | ||
365 | HS50 | Sonic anemometer Gill HS-50 | - | ||
366 | IN | Incoming | - | ||
367 | INC_X | Inclinometer x | ° | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
368 | INC_XY | Inclinometer, alternatively x (odd record numbers) and y (even record numbers) | ° | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
369 | INC_Y | Inclinometer y | ° | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
370 | INT | Internal | - | ||
371 | IRGA | Infrared Gas Analyzer | - | ||
372 | IRGA62 | Closed-path IRGA LI-6262 | - | ||
373 | IRGA70 | IRGA LI-7000 | - | ||
374 | IRGA72 | Enclosed-path IRGA Li-7200 | |||
375 | IRGA75 | Open-path IRGA Li-7500 | - | ||
376 | ITC_FLAG | Flag for the ITC test (0: negligible evidences of error, IF ITC_STAT50) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
377 | ITC_STAT | Statistic of the Integral Turbulence Characteristics test (Foken and Wichura, 1996) | % | ICOS | |
378 | IU | instrument units, typically raw units | e.g. mV | ICOS | |
379 | L | Monin-Obukhov length | M | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
380 | LE | Corrected latent heat flux | W m-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
381 | LE | Latent heat turbulent flux (no storage correction, cleaned) | W m-2 | ICOS | |
382 | LE_CORR | Latent heat flux, corrected LE_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
383 | LE_CORR | Latent heat flux, corrected LE_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
384 | LE_CORR_25 | Latent heat flux, corrected LE_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 25th percentile; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
385 | LE_CORR_25 | Latent heat flux, corrected LE_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 25th percentile | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
386 | LE_CORR_75 | Latent heat flux, corrected LE_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 75th percentile; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
387 | LE_CORR_75 | Latent heat flux, corrected LE_F_MDS by energy balance closure correction factor, 75th percentile | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
388 | LE_CORR_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for LE; [SQRT(LE_RANDUNC^2 + ((LE_CORR75 - LE_CORR25) / 1.349)^2)] | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
389 | LE_CORR_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for LE. [SQRT(LE_RANDUNC^2 + ((LE_CORR75 - LE_CORR25) / 1.349)^2)] | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
390 | LE_DATA_FLAG | Flag for LE (0: observed flux for which any quality control (QC) tests provided negligible evidences of error; 1: outlying flux rejected because at least one of the QC tests provided a moderate evidence of error; 2: flux removed because at least one of th | nondimensional | ICOS | |
391 | LE_f | gapfilled latent heat flux, filtered by all quality checks | W m-2 | ||
392 | LE_F_MDS | Latent heat flux, gapfilled using MDS method; | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
393 | LE_F_MDS | Latent heat flux, gapfilled using MDS method | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
394 | LE_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for LE_F_MDS, LE_CORR, LE_CORR25, and LE_CORR75.; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
395 | LE_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for LE_F_MDS, LE_CORR, LE_CORR25, and LE_CORR75. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
396 | LE_FMR_FLAG | Flag for the FMR test for LE (0: negligible evidences of error, IF FMR15) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
397 | LE_FMR_STAT | Fraction of Missing Records in raw, high-frequency, data used for LE flux estimation | % | ICOS | |
398 | LE_LGD_FLAG | Flag for the LGD test for LE (0: negligible evidences of error, IF LGD180) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
399 | LE_LGD_STAT | Longest Gap Duration in raw, high-frequency, data used for LE flux estimation | seconds | ICOS | |
400 | LE_LSR_FLAG | Flag for the LSR test for LE (0: negligible evidences of error, IF LSR_STAT>0.995; 1: moderate evidences of error, IF 0.99?LSR_STAT?0.995; 2: severe evidences of error, IF LSR_STAT | nondimensional | ICOS | |
401 | LE_LSR_STAT | Statistic of the Low Signal Resolution test for LE | nondimensional | ICOS | |
402 | LE_M98_FLAG | Flag of the LE_M98_STAT (0: negligible evidences of error, IF M_98_STAT3) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
403 | LE_M98_STAT | Statistic of the nonstationarity ratio test by Mahrt (1998) for LE | nondimensional | ICOS | |
404 | LE_OOR_FLAG | Flag for LE denoting values out of the physically plausible range (0: within range; 2: out of range). | nondimensional | ICOS | |
405 | LE_orig_QCF0 | measured (not gap-filled) latent heat flux of highest quality | W m-2 | ||
406 | LE_OUTLYING_FLAG | Flag for LE denoting outliers (0: no outlying flux; 1: outlying flux) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
407 | LE_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty of LE, from measured only data; uses only data point where LE_F_MDS_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods (see header and LE_RANDUNC_METHOD) | W m-2 | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
408 | LE_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty of LE, from measured only data. uses only data point where LE_F_MDS_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods (see header and LE_RANDUNC_METHOD) | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
409 | LE_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of LE; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
410 | LE_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of LE. 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
411 | LE_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of LE; | nondimensional | ENERGY PROCESSING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
412 | LE_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of LE | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
413 | LE_scf | Spectral correction factor for latent heat flux | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
414 | LE_SCF_STAT | Spectral correction factor for LE | nondimensional | ICOS | |
415 | LE_SSITC_TEST | Results of the quality flagging for LE according to Foken et al 2004, based on a combination of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (i.e., 0, 1, 2) | nondimensional | Ameriflux | |
416 | LE_SSITC_TEST | Quality flagging for LE according to classification scheme by Foken et al (2004) and based on the combination of the results of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (0: high quality; 1:intermediate quality | nondimensional | ICOS | |
417 | LE_strg | Estimate of storage latent heat flux | W m-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
418 | LE_UNCLEANED | Latent heat turbulent flux (no storage correction, uncleaned) | W m-2 | ICOS | |
419 | LEAF_WET | Leaf wetness, range 0-100 | % | Ameriflux | |
420 | LGR | Los Gatos laser | (instrument) | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
421 | LS | Lightning strike | unitless | ||
422 | LSD | Lightning strike distance | km | ||
423 | LW | Longwave radiation | W m-2 | ||
424 | LW _IN_RAW | Longwave Incoming Radiation without blackbody correction | W m-2 | ||
425 | LW _OUT_RAW | Longwave Incoming Radiation without blackbody correction | W m-2 | ||
426 | LW_BC_IN | Longwave radiation, below canopy incoming | W m-2 | Ameriflux | |
427 | LW_BC_OUT | Longwave radiation, below canopy outgoing | W m-2 | Ameriflux | |
428 | LW_IN | Longwave radiation, incoming | W m-2 | Ameriflux | |
429 | LW_IN_ERA | Longwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
430 | LW_IN_ERA | Longwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
431 | LW_IN_F | Longwave radiation, incoming, consolidated from LW_IN_F_MDS and LW_IN_ERA; LW_IN_F_MDS used if LW_IN_F_MDS_QC is 0 or 1 | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
432 | LW_IN_F | Longwave radiation, incoming, consolidated from LW_IN_F_MDS and LW_IN_ERA | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
433 | LW_IN_F_MDS | Longwave radiation, incoming, gapfilled using MDS; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
434 | LW_IN_F_MDS | Longwave radiation, incoming, gapfilled using MDS | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
435 | LW_IN_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
436 | LW_IN_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_F_MDS. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
437 | LW_IN_F_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_F; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
438 | LW_IN_F_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_F. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
439 | LW_IN_JSB | Longwave radiation, incoming, calculated from TA_F_MDS, SW_IN_F_MDS, VPD_F_MDS and SW_IN_POT using the JSBACH algorithm (Sonke Zaehle); | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
440 | LW_IN_JSB | Longwave radiation, incoming, calculated from TA_F_MDS, SW_IN_F_MDS, VPD_F_MDS and SW_IN_POT using the JSBACH algorithm (Sonke Zaehle) | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
441 | LW_IN_JSB_ERA | Longwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using site level LW_IN_JSB calculated from measured only drivers; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
442 | LW_IN_JSB_ERA | Longwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using site level LW_IN_JSB calculated from measured only drivers | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
443 | LW_IN_JSB_F | Longwave radiation, incoming, consolidated from LW_IN_JSB and LW_IN_JSB_ERA; LW_IN_JSB used if LW_IN_JSB_QC is 0 or 1 | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
444 | LW_IN_JSB_F | Longwave radiation, incoming, consolidated from LW_IN_JSB and LW_IN_JSB_ERA. LW_IN_JSB used if LW_IN_JSB_QC is 0 or 1 | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
445 | LW_IN_JSB_F_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_JSB_F; 0 = calculated from measured drivers; 1 = calculated from good quality gapfilled drivers; 2: downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
446 | LW_IN_JSB_F_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_JSB_F. 0 = calculated from measured drivers; 1 = calculated from good quality gapfilled drivers; 2: downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
447 | LW_IN_JSB_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_JSB; highest from TA_F_MDS_QC, SW_IN_F_MDS_QC, and VPD_F_MDS_QC, poorest quality prevails | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
448 | LW_IN_JSB_QC | Quality flag for LW_IN_JSB. highest from TA_F_MDS_QC, SW_IN_F_MDS_QC, and VPD_F_MDS_QC, poorest quality prevails | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
449 | LW_OUT | Longwave radiation, outgoing | W m-2 | Ameriflux | |
450 | LW_OUT | Longwave radiation, outgoing; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
451 | LW_OUT | Longwave radiation, outgoing | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
452 | MAX | Maximum | - | ||
453 | max_wind_speed | Maximum instantaneous wind speed | m s-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
454 | MDS | Marginal distribution sampling (Reichstein et al., 2005) | - | Fluxes | |
455 | MEAS | (suffix) measured | |||
456 | MET | Meteorological Data | - | ||
457 | MGMT_FERT_MIN_PARCEL | Management event: application of mineral fertilizer | 1=yes, 0=no | MANAGEMENT | PI datasets |
458 | MGMT_FERT_ORG | Management event: application of organic fertilizer | 1=yes, 0=no | MANAGEMENT | PI datasets |
459 | MGMT_GRAZING | Management event: grazing | 1=yes, 0=no | MANAGEMENT | PI datasets |
460 | MGMT_MOWING | Management event: mowing | 1=yes, 0=no | MANAGEMENT | PI datasets |
461 | MGMT_PESTICIDE_HERBICIDE | Management event: application of pesticides and/or herbicides | 1=yes, 0=no | MANAGEMENT | PI datasets |
462 | MGMT_SOILCULTIVATION | Management event: soil cultivation (e.g., rolling, ploughing, harrowing, tillage) | 1=yes, 0=no | MANAGEMENT | PI datasets |
463 | MGMT_SOWING | Management event: sowing | 1=yes, 0=no | MANAGEMENT | PI datasets |
464 | MIN | Minimum | - | ||
465 | MIN | Minute | - | ||
466 | MINUTE | 2 digit minute of the day | MM | ||
467 | MIRROR_RINGDOWNTIME | Mirror ring-down time | µs | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
468 | MO_LENGTH | Monin-Obukhov length | m | ICOS / Ameriflux | |
469 | MONTH | 2 digit month of year | mm | ||
470 | MSW | MeteoSwiss | |||
471 | N2O | N2O molar fraction (in humid air), wet mole fraction | nmol mol-1, µmol mol-1 | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
472 | N2O_DRY | N2O dry mole fraction (in dry air), mixing ratio, ppb | nmol mol-1 | EC raw data files (ASCII) | |
473 | N2O_MIXING_RATIO | Nitrous Oxide (N2O) in mole fraction of dry air | nmolN2O mol-1 | Ameriflux | |
474 | N2O_QCL_CMB | N2O concentration from QCL for chamber system | ppb (nmol N2O mol-1) | ||
475 | N2O_QCL_EC | N2O concentration from QCL for eddy system | ppb (nmol N2O mol-1) | ||
476 | N2O_QCL_PRF | N2O concentration from QCL for profile | ppb (nmol N2O mol-1) | ||
477 | NDVI | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index | nondimensional | Ameriflux | |
478 | NEE | Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 | µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | Fluxes | |
479 | NEE | Net Ecosystem Exchange (cleaned) | umolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS | |
480 | NEE_CUT_05 | NEE CUT 05 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_CUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
481 | NEE_CUT_05_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_05. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
482 | NEE_CUT_16 | NEE CUT 16 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_CUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
483 | NEE_CUT_16_f | gap-filled NEE, filtered by all quality checks and the 16th percentile USTAR threshold (constant for all years) from FLUXNET analyses | µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
484 | NEE_CUT_16_orig | measured (not gap-filled NEE), filtered by all quality checks and the 16th percentile USTAR threshold (constant for all years) from FLUXNET analyses | µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
485 | NEE_CUT_16_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_16. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
486 | NEE_CUT_25 | NEE CUT 25 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_CUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
487 | NEE_CUT_25_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_25. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
488 | NEE_CUT_50 | NEE CUT 50 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_CUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
489 | NEE_CUT_50_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_50. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
490 | NEE_CUT_75 | NEE CUT 75 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_CUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
491 | NEE_CUT_75_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_75. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
492 | NEE_CUT_84_f | gap-filled NEE, filtered by all quality checks and the 84th percentile USTAR threshold (constant for all years) from FLUXNET analyses | µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
493 | NEE_CUT_84_orig | measured (not gap-filled NEE), filtered by all quality checks and the 84th percentile USTAR threshold (constant for all years) from FLUXNET analyses | µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
494 | NEE_CUT_86 | NEE CUT 86 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_CUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
495 | NEE_CUT_86_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_86. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
496 | NEE_CUT_95 | NEE CUT 95 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_CUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
497 | NEE_CUT_95_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_95. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
498 | NEE_CUT_MEAN | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Constant Ustar Threshold (CUT) across years, average from 40 NEE_CUT_XX versions; average from 40 half-hourly NEE_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
499 | NEE_CUT_MEAN | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Constant Ustar Threshold (CUT) across years, average from 40 NEE_CUT_XX versions | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
500 | NEE_CUT_MEAN_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_MEAN, fraction between 0-1 indicating percentage of good quality data; average of percentages of good data (NEE_CUT_XX_QC is 0 or 1) from 40 NEE_CUT_XX_QC | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
501 | NEE_CUT_MEAN_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_MEAN, fraction between 0-1 indicating percentage of good quality data. average of percentages of good data (NEE_CUT_XX_QC is 0 or 1) from 40 NEE_CUT_XX_QC | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
502 | NEE_CUT_REF | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Constant Ustar Threshold (CUT) across years, reference selected on the basis of the model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
503 | NEE_CUT_REF | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Constant Ustar Threshold (CUT) across years, reference selected on the basis of the model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
504 | NEE_CUT_REF_f | gap-filled NEE, filtered by all quality checks and the CUT_REF USTAR threshold (constant for all years) from FLUXNET analyses | µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
505 | NEE_CUT_REF_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_CUT_REF, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty; [SQRT(NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_CUT_84 - NEE_CUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
506 | NEE_CUT_REF_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_CUT_REF, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty. [SQRT(NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_CUT_84 - NEE_CUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
507 | NEE_CUT_REF_orig_QCF0 | measured (not gap-filled) NEE of highest quality, filtered by all quality checks and the CUT_REF percentile USTAR threshold (constant for all years) from FLUXNET analyses | µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
508 | NEE_CUT_REF_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_REF; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
509 | NEE_CUT_REF_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_REF. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
510 | NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_CUT_REF, from measured only data; uses only data points where NEE_CUT_REF_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods - see header and NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
511 | NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_CUT_REF, from measured only data. uses only data points where NEE_CUT_REF_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods - see header and NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
512 | NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_REF; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
513 | NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_REF. 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
514 | NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC_N | Number of data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_REF; | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
515 | NEE_CUT_REF_RANDUNC_N | Number of data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_REF | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
516 | NEE_CUT_SE | Standard Error for NEE_CUT, calculated as SD(NEE_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40); SE from 40 half-hourly NEE_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
517 | NEE_CUT_SE | Standard Error for NEE_CUT, calculated as SD(NEE_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40) from 40 half-hourly NEE_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
518 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50 | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Constant Ustar Threshold (CUT) across years, from 50 percentile of USTAR threshold; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
519 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50 | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Constant Ustar Threshold (CUT) across years, from 50 percentile of USTAR threshold | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
520 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_CUT_USTAR50, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty; [SQRT(NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_CUT_84 - NEE_CUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
521 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_CUT_USTAR50, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty. [SQRT(NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_CUT_84 - NEE_CUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
522 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_USTAR50; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
523 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_USTAR50. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
524 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_CUT_USTAR50, from measured only data; uses only data points where NEE_CUT_USTAR50_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods - see header and NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
525 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_CUT_USTAR50, from measured only data. uses only data points where NEE_CUT_USTAR50_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods - see header and NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
526 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_USTAR50; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
527 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_USTAR50 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
528 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_USTAR50; | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
529 | NEE_CUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_CUT_USTAR50 | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
530 | NEE_CUT_XX | NEE CUT percentiles (approx. percentile indicated by XX, see doc.) calculated from the 40 estimates aggregated at the different time resolutions -- XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95; XXth percentile from 40 half-hourly NEE_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
531 | NEE_CUT_XX_QC | Quality flag for NEE_CUT_XX -- XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
532 | NEE_DATA_FLAG | Flag for NEE (i.e., 0: observed flux for which any quality control (QC) tests provided negligible evidences of error; 1: outlying flux rejected because at least one of the QC tests provided a moderate evidence of error; 2: flux removed because at least on | nondimensional | ICOS | |
533 | NEE_OOR_FLAG | Flag for NEE denoting values out of the physically plausible range (0: within range; 2: out of range). | nondimensional | ICOS | |
534 | NEE_OUTLYING_FLAG | Flag for NEE denoting outliers (0: no outlying flux; 1: outlying flux) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
535 | NEE_U50_QCF0 | measured (not gap-filled) NEE of highest quality, filtered by all quality checks and the median (50th percentile) USTAR threshold | umol CO2 m-2 s-1 | diive | |
536 | NEE_UNCLEANED | Net Ecosystem Exchange (uncleaned) | umolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS | |
537 | NEE_VUT_05 | NEE VUT 05 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_VUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
538 | NEE_VUT_05_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_05. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
539 | NEE_VUT_16 | NEE VUT 16 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_VUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
540 | NEE_VUT_16_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_16. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
541 | NEE_VUT_25 | NEE VUT 25 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_VUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
542 | NEE_VUT_25_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_25. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
543 | NEE_VUT_50 | NEE VUT 50 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_VUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
544 | NEE_VUT_50_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_50. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
545 | NEE_VUT_75 | NEE VUT 75 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_VUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
546 | NEE_VUT_75_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_75. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
547 | NEE_VUT_86 | NEE VUT 86 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_VUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
548 | NEE_VUT_86_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_86. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
549 | NEE_VUT_95 | NEE VUT 95 percentile calculated from the 40 NEE_VUT estimates | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
550 | NEE_VUT_95_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_95. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
551 | NEE_VUT_MEAN | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, average from 40 NEE_VUT_XX versions; average from 40 half-hourly NEE_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
552 | NEE_VUT_MEAN | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, average from 40 NEE_VUT_XX versions | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
553 | NEE_VUT_MEAN_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_MEAN, fraction between 0-1 indicating percentage of good quality data; average of percentages of good data (NEE_VUT_XX_QC is 0 or 1) from 40 NEE_VUT_XX_QC | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
554 | NEE_VUT_MEAN_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_MEAN, fraction between 0-1 indicating percentage of good quality data. average of percentages of good data (NEE_VUT_XX_QC is 0 or 1) from 40 NEE_VUT_XX_QC | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
555 | NEE_VUT_REF | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, reference selected on the basis of the model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
556 | NEE_VUT_REF | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, reference selected on the basis of the model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
557 | NEE_VUT_REF_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_REF, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty; [SQRT(NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_VUT_84 - NEE_VUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
558 | NEE_VUT_REF_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_REF, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty. [SQRT(NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_VUT_84 - NEE_VUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
559 | NEE_VUT_REF_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_REF; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
560 | NEE_VUT_REF_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_REF. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
561 | NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_VUT_REF, from measured only data; uses only data points where NEE_VUT_REF_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods - see header and NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
562 | NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_VUT_REF, from measured only data. uses only data points where NEE_VUT_REF_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods - see header and NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
563 | NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_REF; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
564 | NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_REF. 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
565 | NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC_N | Number of data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_REF; | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
566 | NEE_VUT_REF_RANDUNC_N | Number of data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_REF | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
567 | NEE_VUT_SE | Standard Error for NEE_VUT, calculated as SD(NEE_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40); SE from 40 half-hourly NEE_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
568 | NEE_VUT_SE | Standard Error for NEE_VUT, calculated as SD(NEE_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40) from 40 half-hourly NEE_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
569 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50 | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, from 50 percentile of USTAR threshold; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
570 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50 | Net Ecosystem Exchange, using Variable Ustar Threshold (VUT) for each year, from 50 percentile of USTAR threshold | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
571 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_USTAR50, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty; [SQRT(NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_VUT_84 - NEE_VUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
572 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_JOINTUNC | Joint uncertainty estimation for NEE_VUT_USTAR50, including random uncertainty and USTAR filtering uncertainty. [SQRT(NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC^2 + ((NEE_VUT_84 - NEE_VUT_16) / 2)^2)] for each half-hour | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
573 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_USTAR50; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
574 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_USTAR50. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
575 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_VUT_USTAR50, from measured only data; uses only data points where NEE_VUT_USTAR50_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods see header and NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
576 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC | Random uncertainty for NEE_VUT_USTAR50, from measured only data uses only data points where NEE_VUT_USTAR50_QC is 0 and two hierarchical methods see header and NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
577 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_USTAR50; 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
578 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_METHOD | Method used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_USTAR50 1 = RANDUNC Method 1 (direct SD method), 2 = RANDUNC Method 2 (median SD method) | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
579 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_USTAR50; | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
580 | NEE_VUT_USTAR50_RANDUNC_N | Number of half-hour data points used to estimate the random uncertainty of NEE_VUT_USTAR50 | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
581 | NEE_VUT_XX | NEE VUT percentiles (approx. percentile indicated by XX, see doc.) calculated from the 40 estimates aggregated at the different time resolutions -- XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95; XXth percentile from 40 half-hourly NEE_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
582 | NEE_VUT_XX_QC | Quality flag for NEE_VUT_XX -- XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
583 | NETRAD | Net Radiation | W m-2 | ||
584 | NETRAD | Net radiation; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
585 | NETRAD | Net radiation | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
586 | NH4 | ||||
587 | NIGHT | Flag indicating nighttime interval based on SW_IN_POT; 0 = daytime, 1 = nighttime | nondimensional | NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
588 | NIGHT | Flag indicating nighttime interval based on SW_IN_POT. 0 = daytime, 1 = nighttime | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
589 | NO | Nitric oxide (NO) mole fraction in wet air | nmolNO mol-1 | Ameriflux | |
590 | NO2 | Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) mole fraction in wet air | nmolNO2 mol-1 | Ameriflux | |
591 | NO3 | Nitrate concentration | µg g-1 soil | ||
592 | non_steady_wind | Hard flag for non-steady horizontal test | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
593 | NT | Nighttime (used in partitioning) | - | Fluxes | |
594 | NUMVALS | Number of values | # | ||
595 | O2 | Oxygen | Has to be seen when we have the sensors | ||
596 | O3 | Ozone (O3) mole fraction in wet air | nmolO3 mol-1 | Ameriflux | |
597 | OSO | On Site Operation | - | ||
598 | OUT | Outgoing | - | ||
599 | P | Precipitation | mm | FLUXNET | |
600 | P | Precipitation; | mm | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
601 | P | Precipitation | mm | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
602 | P_ERA | Precipitation, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data; (mm per dataset resolution: either hour or half-hour) | mm | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
603 | P_ERA | Precipitation, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data. (mm per dataset resolution: either hour or half-hour) | mm | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
604 | P_F | Precipitation consolidated from P and P_ERA; P used if measured (mm per dataset resolution: either hour or half-hour) | mm | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
605 | P_F | Precipitation consolidated from P and P_ERA. P used if measured (mm per dataset resolution: either hour or half-hour) | mm | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
606 | P_F_QC | Quality flag for P_F; 0 = measured; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
607 | P_F_QC | Quality flag for P_F. 0 = measured; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
608 | PA | Atmospheric Pressure | Pa, kPa, hPa or other | ||
609 | PA | Atmospheric pressure; | kPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
610 | PA | Atmospheric pressure | kPa | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
611 | PA_ERA | Atmospheric pressure, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data; | kPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
612 | PA_ERA | Atmospheric pressure, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data | kPa | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
613 | PA_F | Atmospheric pressure consolidated from PA and PA_ERA; PA used if measured | kPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
614 | PA_F | Atmospheric pressure consolidated from PA and PA_ERA | kPa | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
615 | PA_F_QC | Quality flag for PA_F; 0 = measured; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
616 | PA_F_QC | Quality flag for PA_F. 0 = measured; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
617 | PA_PRF | Atmospheric Pressure in Profile | Pa, kPa, hPa or other | ||
618 | PBLH | Planetary boundary layer height | m | ICOS / Ameriflux | |
619 | PCH4 | ||||
620 | pitch | Second rotation angle | ° (degrees) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
621 | PPFD | Photosynthetic photon flux density, without additional suffix it is typically incoming | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | ||
622 | PPFD_DIF | Photosynthetic photon flux density, diffuse incoming; | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
623 | PPFD_DIF | Photosynthetic photon flux density, diffuse incoming | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
624 | PPFD_IN | Photosynthetic photon flux density, incoming | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | ||
625 | PPFD_IN | Photosynthetic photon flux density, incoming; | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
626 | PPFD_IN | Photosynthetic photon flux density, incoming | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
627 | PPFD_OUT | Photosynthetic photon flux density, outgoing | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | ||
628 | PPFD_OUT | Photosynthetic photon flux density, outgoing; | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
629 | PPFD_OUT | Photosynthetic photon flux density, outgoing | µmolPhoton m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
630 | PREC | Precipitation | mm | ||
631 | qc_gas_flux | Quality flag for gas flux | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
632 | qc_H | Quality flag for sensible heat flux | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
633 | qc_LE | Quality flag latent heat flux | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
634 | qc_Tau | Quality flag for momentum flux | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
635 | QCF_ | (prefix) quality control flag for the respective variable | # | ||
636 | QCF_LE | quality control flag for latent heat flux (0=best, 1=OK, 2=bad), typically for LE_f | # | ||
637 | QCF_NEE | quality control flag for NEE (0=best, 1=OK, 2=bad), typically for NEE_CUT_REF_f | # | ||
638 | R_ref | respiration at reference temperature parameter (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) in relationship between temperature and nighttime NEE from night-time partitioning | μmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ReddyProc | |
639 | rand_err_gas_flux | Random error for gas flux, if selected | µmol s-1 m-2(†) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
640 | rand_err_H | Random error for momentum flux, if selected | W m-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
641 | rand_err_LE | Random error for latent heat flux, if selected | W m-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
642 | rand_err_Tau | Random error for momentum flux, if selected | kg m-1 s-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
643 | Reco_CUT_16 | Ecosystem respiration, i.e. outflux from the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) (nighttime-based), modelled from NEE_CUT_16_f | umol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
644 | Reco_CUT_84 | Ecosystem respiration, i.e. outflux from the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) (nighttime-based), modelled from NEE_CUT_84_f | umol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
645 | Reco_CUT_REF | Ecosystem respiration, i.e. outflux from the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) (nighttime-based), modelled from NEE_CUT_REF_f | umol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
646 | RECO_DT_CUT_05 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 05 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
647 | Reco_DT_CUT_16 | Ecosystem respiration, i.e. outflux from the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) estimated by day-time partitioning, modelled from NEE_CUT_16_f | umol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
648 | RECO_DT_CUT_16 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 16 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
649 | RECO_DT_CUT_25 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 25 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
650 | RECO_DT_CUT_50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 50 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
651 | RECO_DT_CUT_75 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 75 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
652 | Reco_DT_CUT_84 | Ecosystem respiration, i.e. outflux from the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) estimated by day-time partitioning, modelled from NEE_CUT_84_f | umol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
653 | RECO_DT_CUT_86 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 86 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
654 | RECO_DT_CUT_95 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 95 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
655 | RECO_DT_CUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
656 | RECO_DT_CUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version. average from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
657 | Reco_DT_CUT_REF | Ecosystem respiration, i.e. outflux from the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) estimated by day-time partitioning, modelled from NEE_CUT_REF_f | umol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ||
658 | RECO_DT_CUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
659 | RECO_DT_CUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
660 | RECO_DT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_DT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
661 | RECO_DT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_DT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)). SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
662 | RECO_DT_CUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
663 | RECO_DT_CUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50 | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
664 | RECO_DT_CUT_XX | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
665 | RECO_DT_VUT_05 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 05 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
666 | RECO_DT_VUT_16 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 16 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
667 | RECO_DT_VUT_25 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 25 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
668 | RECO_DT_VUT_50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 50 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
669 | RECO_DT_VUT_75 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 75 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
670 | RECO_DT_VUT_86 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 86 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
671 | RECO_DT_VUT_95 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, percentile 95 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
672 | RECO_DT_VUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
673 | RECO_DT_VUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version. average from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
674 | RECO_DT_VUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
675 | RECO_DT_VUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
676 | RECO_DT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_DT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
677 | RECO_DT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_DT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)). SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_DT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
678 | RECO_DT_VUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
679 | RECO_DT_VUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50 | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
680 | RECO_DT_VUT_XX | Ecosystem Respiration, from Daytime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | DAYTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
681 | Reco_f | Ecosystem respiration, i.e. outflux from the land surface (μmol m-2 s-1 as NEE) (nighttime-based) | μmol CO2 m-2 s-1 | ReddyProc | |
682 | RECO_NT_CUT_05 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 05 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
683 | RECO_NT_CUT_16 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 16 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
684 | RECO_NT_CUT_25 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 25 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
685 | RECO_NT_CUT_50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 50 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
686 | RECO_NT_CUT_75 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 75 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
687 | RECO_NT_CUT_86 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 86 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
688 | RECO_NT_CUT_95 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 95 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
689 | RECO_NT_CUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
690 | RECO_NT_CUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_CUT_XX version. average from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
691 | RECO_NT_CUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
692 | RECO_NT_CUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
693 | RECO_NT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_NT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
694 | RECO_NT_CUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_NT_CUT_XX) / SQRT(40)). SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
695 | RECO_NT_CUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
696 | RECO_NT_CUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_CUT_USTAR50 | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
697 | RECO_NT_CUT_XX | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
698 | RECO_NT_VUT_05 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 05 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
699 | RECO_NT_VUT_16 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 16 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
700 | RECO_NT_VUT_25 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 25 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
701 | RECO_NT_VUT_50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 50 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
702 | RECO_NT_VUT_75 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 75 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
703 | RECO_NT_VUT_86 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 86 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
704 | RECO_NT_VUT_95 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, percentile 95 of the 40 estimations | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
705 | RECO_NT_VUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version; average from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
706 | RECO_NT_VUT_MEAN | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, average from RECO versions, each from corresponding NEE_VUT_XX version. average from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_VUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
707 | RECO_NT_VUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
708 | RECO_NT_VUT_REF | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, reference selected from RECO versions using model efficiency (MEF). The MEF analysis is repeated for each time aggregation | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
709 | RECO_NT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_NT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)); SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
710 | RECO_NT_VUT_SE | Standard Error for Ecosystem Respiration, calculated as (SD(RECO_NT_VUT_XX) / SQRT(40)). SE from 40 half-hourly RECO_NT_CUT_XX | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
711 | RECO_NT_VUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
712 | RECO_NT_VUT_USTAR50 | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method, based on NEE_VUT_USTAR50 | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
713 | RECO_NT_VUT_XX | Ecosystem Respiration, from Nighttime partitioning method (with XX = 05, 16, 25, 50, 75, 84, 95); | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | NIGHTTIME PARTITIONING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
714 | RECO_SR | Ecosystem Respiration, from Sundown Respiration partitioning method; | µmolCO2 m-2 s-1 | SUNDOWN | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
715 | RF | random forest | |||
716 | Rg | Shortwave radiation, incoming | W m-2 | ReddyProc | |
717 | Rg_f | Gap-filled shortwave radiation, incoming, typically gap-filled using MDS | W m-2 | ReddyProc | |
718 | Rg_orig | Measured (not gap-filled) shortwave radiation, incoming, typically gap-filled using MDS | W m-2 | ReddyProc | |
719 | RH | Relative humidity | % | ||
720 | RH | Ambient relative humidity | 0 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
721 | RH | Relative humidity, range 0-100; | % | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
722 | RH | Relative humidity, range 0-100 | % | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
723 | roll | Third rotation angle | ° (degrees) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
724 | RSSI | Mean value of RSSI for LI‑7700, if present | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
725 | SA_DIAG_FLAG | Flag for Sonic Anemometer (SA) instrumental diagnostics (0: negligible evidences of error; 2: severe evidences of error) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
726 | SC | Carbon Dioxide (CO2) storage flux | umolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS | |
727 | SC_OOR_FLAG | Flag for SC denoting values out of the physically plausible range (0: within range; 2: out of range) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
728 | SC_UNC | Estimated uncertainty for SC | umolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS | |
729 | SC_UNC_FLAG | SC QC flag for uncertainty (0: none; 1: flux data for which the estimated uncertainty exceeds the respective NEE absolute value by 3 times) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
730 | SC_UNCLEANED | Carbon dioxide storage flux (not QC filtered) | umolCO2 m-2 s-1 | ICOS | |
731 | SDP | Soil Dielectric Permittivity | unitless | ||
732 | SH | Sensible heat (H) storage flux (only if air temperature is measured along a profile) | W m-2 | ICOS | |
733 | skw_kur | Hard flags for individual variables for skewness and kurtosis | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
734 | skw_kur | Soft flags for individual variables for skewness and kurtosis test | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
735 | SLE | Latent heat (LE) storage flux (only if air temperature and H2O are measured along a profile) | W m-2 | ICOS | |
736 | SLE_OOR_FLAG | Flag for SLE denoting values out of the physically plausible range (0: within range; 2: out of range) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
737 | SLE_UNC | Estimated uncertainty for SLE | W m-2 | ICOS | |
738 | SLE_UNC_FLAG | SLE QC flag for uncertainty (0: none; 1: flux data for which the estimated uncertainty exceeds the respective NEE absolute value by 3 times) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
739 | SLE_UNCLEANED | Latent heat storage flux (not QC filtered) | W m-2 | ICOS | |
740 | SN2O | Nitrous oxide (N2O) storage flux | nmol m-2 s-1 | ||
741 | sonic_temperature | Mean temperature of ambient air as measured by the anemometer | K | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
742 | specific_humidity | Ambient specific humidity on a mass basis | kg kg-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
743 | spikes | Hard flags for individual variables for spike test | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
744 | SW | Shortwave radiation | W m-2 | ||
745 | SW_DIF | Shortwave radiation, diffuse incoming; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
746 | SW_DIF | Shortwave radiation, diffuse incoming | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
747 | SW_IN | Shortwave radiation, incoming | W m-2 | ||
748 | SW_IN_ERA | Shortwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data (negative values set to zero); | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
749 | SW_IN_ERA | Shortwave radiation, incoming, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data (negative values set to zero) | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
750 | SW_IN_F | Shortwave radiation, incoming consolidated from SW_IN_F_MDS and SW_IN_ERA (negative values set to zero); SW_IN_F_MDS used if SW_IN_F_MDS_QC is 0 or 1 | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
751 | SW_IN_F | Shortwave radiation, incoming consolidated from SW_IN_F_MDS and SW_IN_ERA (negative values set to zero). SW_IN_F_MDS used if SW_IN_F_MDS_QC is 0 or 1 | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
752 | SW_IN_F_MDS | Shortwave radiation, incoming, gapfilled using MDS (negative values set to zero, e.g., negative values from instrumentation noise); | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
753 | SW_IN_F_MDS | Shortwave radiation, incoming, gapfilled using MDS (negative values set to zero, e.g., negative values from instrumentation noise) | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
754 | SW_IN_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for SW_IN_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
755 | SW_IN_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for SW_IN_F_MDS. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
756 | SW_IN_F_QC | Quality flag for SW_IN_F; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
757 | SW_IN_F_QC | Quality flag for SW_IN_F. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
758 | SW_IN_POT | Shortwave radiation, incoming, potential (top of atmosphere); | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
759 | SW_IN_POT | Shortwave radiation, incoming, potential (top of atmosphere) | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
760 | SW_OUT | Shortwave radiation, outgoing | W m-2 | ||
761 | SW_OUT | Shortwave radiation, outgoing; | W m-2 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
762 | SW_OUT | Shortwave radiation, outgoing | W m-2 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
763 | SWC | Soil water content | % | ||
764 | SWC_F_MDS_# | Soil water content, gapfilled with MDS (numeric index "#" increases with the depth, 1 is shallowest); | % | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
765 | SWC_F_MDS_# | Soil water content, gapfilled with MDS (numeric index "#" increases with the depth, 1 is shallowest) | % | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
766 | SWC_F_MDS_#_QC | Quality flag for SWC_F_MDS_#; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
767 | SWC_F_MDS_#_QC | Quality flag for SWC_F_MDS_#. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
768 | SWP | Soil water potential | kPa | ||
769 | T* | Scaling temperature | K | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
770 | T_SONIC | Sonic temperature | deg C | ICOS | |
771 | T_SONIC_HD10_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on differenced sonic temperature 0: negligible evidences of error, IF HD10_STAT1) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
772 | T_SONIC_HD10_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on differenced sonic temperature (percentage of data exceeding ñ10?) | % | ICOS | |
773 | T_SONIC_HD5_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on differenced sonic temperature (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HD5_STAT4) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
774 | T_SONIC_HD5_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on differenced sonic temperature (percentage of data exceeding ñ5?) | % | ICOS | |
775 | T_SONIC_HF10_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on sonic temperature fluctuations (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HF10_STAT1) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
776 | T_SONIC_HF10_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on sonic temperature fluctuations (percentage of data exceeding ñ10?) | % | ICOS | |
777 | T_SONIC_HF5_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on sonic temperature fluctuations (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HF5_STAT4) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
778 | T_SONIC_HF5_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on sonic temperature fluctuations (percentage of data exceeding ñ5?) | % | ICOS | |
779 | T_SONIC_KID_FLAG | Flag for the T_SONIC_KID_STAT (0: negligible evidences of error, IF KID_STAT50) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
780 | T_SONIC_KID_STAT | Kurtosis Index of Differenced sonic temperature | nondimensional | ICOS | |
781 | T_SONIC_SIGMA | Standard deviation of sonic temperature | deg C | ICOS | |
782 | TA | Air temperature | °C | ||
783 | TA_ERA | Air temperature, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data | deg C | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | ICOS / FLUXNET / FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
784 | TA_F | Air temperature, consolidated from TA_F_MDS and TA_ERA; TA_F_MDS used if TA_F_MDS_QC is 0 or 1 | deg C | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
785 | TA_F | Air temperature, consolidated from TA_F_MDS and TA_ERA. TA_F_MDS used if TA_F_MDS_QC is 0 or 1 | deg C | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
786 | TA_F_MDS | Air temperature, gapfilled using MDS method | deg C | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | ICOS / FLUXNET / FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
787 | TA_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for TA_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
788 | TA_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for TA_F_MDS. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
789 | TA_F_QC | Quality flag for TA_F; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
790 | TA_F_QC | Quality flag for TA_F. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
791 | Tair | Air temperature | °C | ReddyProc | |
792 | Tair_f | Gap-filled air temperature, typically gap-filled using MDS | °C | ReddyProc | |
793 | Tair_orig | Measured (not gap-filled) air temperature | °C | ReddyProc | |
794 | TAU | Momentum flux | kg m-1 s-2 | ||
795 | Tau | Corrected momentum flux | kg m-1 s-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
796 | TAU | Momentum flux | kg m-1 s-2 | ICOS | |
797 | Tau_scf | Spectral correction factor for momentum flux | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
798 | TAU_SSITC_TEST | Quality flagging for TAU according to classification scheme by Foken et al (2004) and based on the combination of the results of Steady State and Integral Turbulence Characteristics tests by Foken and Wichura (1996) (0: high quality; 1:intermediate qualit | nondimensional | ICOS | |
799 | TBIN | body temperature of sensor measuring incoming signal | deg C | instrument metrics | ETH raw data files |
800 | TBOUT | body temperature of sensor measuring outgoing signal | deg C | instrument metrics | ETH raw data files |
801 | Tdew | Ambient dew point temperature | K | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
802 | TG | Grass temperature | deg C | ||
803 | time | Time of the end of the averaging period | HH:MM | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
804 | time_lag | Hard flags for gas concentration for time lag test | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
805 | time_lag | Soft flags for gas concentration for time lag test | HFu/v/w/ts/co2 /h2o/ch4/n2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
806 | TIMESTAMP | ISO timestamp - short format | YYYYMMDDHHMM | TIMEKEEPING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
807 | TIMESTAMP_END | ISO timestamp end of averaging period - short format | YYYYMMDDHHMM | TIMEKEEPING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
808 | TIMESTAMP_END | ISO timestamp end of averaging period (up to a 12-digit integer as specified by the data's temporal resolution) | yyyymmddHHMM | ICOS | |
809 | TIMESTAMP_END | ISO timestamp end of averaging period - short format | YYYYMMDDHHMM | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
810 | TIMESTAMP_START | ISO timestamp start of averaging period - short format | YYYYMMDDHHMM | TIMEKEEPING | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
811 | TIMESTAMP_START | ISO timestamp start of averaging period (up to a 12-digit integer as specified by the data's temporal resolution) | yyyymmddHHMM | ICOS | |
812 | TIMESTAMP_START | ISO timestamp start of averaging period - short format | YYYYMMDDHHMM | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
813 | TIR | thermal infrared | °C | ||
814 | TKE | Turbulent kinetic energy | m2 s-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
815 | TLAG_ACTUAL | actual time lag, typically between the turbulent departures of vertical wind and gas | s | EddyPro | |
816 | TM | tensiometer, measures soil moisture tension | hPa | ||
817 | TPANEL | Panel temperature | deg C | ||
818 | TRH | relative humidity temperature | |||
819 | TS_F_MDS_# | Soil temperature, gapfilled with MDS (numeric index "#" increases with the depth, 1 is shallowest); | deg C | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
820 | TS_F_MDS_# | Soil temperature, gapfilled with MDS (numeric index "#" increases with the depth, 1 is shallowest) | deg C | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
821 | TS_F_MDS_#_QC | Quality flag for TS_F_MDS_#; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
822 | TS_F_MDS_#_QC | Quality flag for TS_F_MDS_#. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
823 | u* | Friction velocity | m s-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
824 | u_rot | Rotated u wind component (mean wind speed) | m s-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
825 | U_SIGMA | Standard deviation of lateral velocity fluctuations (towards main-wind direction after coordinates rotation) | m s-1 | ICOS | |
826 | u_unrot | Wind component along the u anemometer axis | m s-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
827 | un_gas_flux | Uncorrected gas flux | µmol s-1 m-2(†) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
828 | un_H | Uncorrected sensible heat flux | W m-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
829 | un_LE | Uncorrected latent heat flux | W m-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
830 | un_Tau | Uncorrected momentum flux | kg m-1 s-2 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
831 | used_records | Number of valid records used for current the averaging period | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
832 | USTAR | Friction velocity | m s-1 | ||
833 | USTAR | Friction velocity; | m s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
834 | USTAR | Friction velocity | m s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
835 | Ustar_CUT_REF_Thres | USTAR threshold used for _CUT_REF_ variables | m s-1 | ReddyProc | |
836 | V | Voltage | V | ||
837 | v_rot | Rotated v wind component (should be zero) | m s-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
838 | V_SIGMA | Standard deviation of lateral velocity fluctuations (cross main-wind direction after coordinates rotation) | m s-1 | ICOS | |
839 | v_unrot | Wind component along the v anemometer axis | m s-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
840 | var_spikes | Number of spikes detected and eliminated for variable var | # | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
841 | var_var | Variance of variable var | #NAME? | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
842 | VEGH | vegetation height | m | VEGETATION | |
843 | VIN | incoming signal in volts or millivolts | V, mV | ETH raw data files | |
844 | VOUT | outgoing signal in volts or millivolts | V, mV | ETH raw data files | |
845 | VP | vapor pressure | |||
846 | VPD | Vapor pressure deficit | kPa or hPa | ||
847 | VPD | Ambient water vapor pressure deficit | Pa | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
848 | VPD_ERA | Vapor Pressure Deficit, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data; | hPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
849 | VPD_ERA | Vapor Pressure Deficit, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data | hPa | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
850 | VPD_f | Gap-filled vapor pressure deficit, typically gap-filled using MDS | kPa or hPa | ||
851 | VPD_F | Vapor Pressure Deficit consolidated from VPD_F_MDS and VPD_ERA; VPD_F_MDS used if VPD_F_MDS_QC is 0 or 1 | hPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
852 | VPD_F | Vapor Pressure Deficit consolidated from VPD_F_MDS and VPD_ERA. VPD_F_MDS used if VPD_F_MDS_QC is 0 or 1 | hPa | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
853 | VPD_F_MDS | Vapor Pressure Deficit, gapfilled using MDS; | hPa | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
854 | VPD_F_MDS | Vapor Pressure Deficit, gapfilled using MDS | hPa | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
855 | VPD_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for VPD_F_MDS; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
856 | VPD_F_MDS_QC | Quality flag for VPD_F_MDS. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = medium; 3 = poor | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
857 | VPD_F_QC | Quality flag for VPD_F; 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
858 | VPD_F_QC | Quality flag for VPD_F. 0 = measured; 1 = good quality gapfill; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
859 | VPD_orig | Vapor pressure deficit calculated (not gap-filled) from measured TA and measured RH | kPa or hPa | ||
860 | w/var_cov | Covariance between w and variable var | #NAME? | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
861 | W_HD10_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on differenced vertical wind velocity (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HD10_STAT1) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
862 | W_HD10_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on differenced vertical wind velocity (percentage of data exceeding æñ10?) | % | ICOS | |
863 | W_HD5_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on differenced vertical wind velocity (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HD5_STAT4) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
864 | W_HD5_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on differenced vertical wind velocity (percentage of data exceeding æñ5?) | % | ICOS | |
865 | W_HF10_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on vertical wind velocity fluctuations (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HF10_STAT1) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
866 | W_HF10_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on vertical wind velocity fluctuations (percentage of data exceeding æñ10?) | % | ICOS | |
867 | W_HF5_FLAG | Flag for the homogeneity test applied on vertical wind velocity fluctuations (0: negligible evidences of error, IF HF5_STAT4) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
868 | W_HF5_STAT | Statistic of the homogeneity test applied on vertical wind velocity fluctuations (percentage of data exceeding æñ5?) | % | ICOS | |
869 | W_KID_FLAG | Flag for the W_KID_STAT (0: negligible evidences of error, IF KID_STAT50) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
870 | W_KID_STAT | Kurtosis Index of Differenced vertical wind velocity | nondimensional | ICOS | |
871 | w_rot | Rotated w wind component (should be zero) | m s-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
872 | W_SIGMA | Standard deviation of vertical velocity fluctuations | m s-1 | ICOS | |
873 | w_unrot | Wind component along the w anemometer axis | m s-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
874 | water_vapor_density | Ambient mass density of water vapor | kg m-3 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
875 | WD | Wind direction; | Decimal degrees | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
876 | WD | Wind direction | Decimal degrees | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
877 | wind_dir | Direction from which the wind blows, with respect to Geographic or Magnetic north | ° (degrees) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
878 | wind_speed | Mean wind speed | m s-1 | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
879 | WS | Wind speed; | m s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
880 | WS | Wind speed | m s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
881 | WS_ERA | Wind speed, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data; | m s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
882 | WS_ERA | Wind speed, downscaled from ERA, linearly regressed using measured only site data | m s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
883 | WS_F | Wind speed, consolidated from WS and WS_ERA; WS used if measured | m s-1 | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
884 | WS_F | Wind speed, consolidated from WS and WS_ERA. WS used if measured | m s-1 | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
885 | WS_F_QC | Quality flag of WS_F; 0 = measured; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | MICROMETEOROLOGICAL | FLUXNET HH (half-hourly) |
886 | WS_F_QC | Quality flag of WS_F. 0 = measured; 2 = downscaled from ERA | nondimensional | ICOS / FLUXNET | |
887 | WSECT_FLAG | Footprint quality flag indicating periods when wind was blowing from directions known to significantly affect the turbulent flow (0: negligible evidences of error; 2: severe evidences of error) | nondimensional | ICOS | |
888 | WSG | wind gust | |||
889 | x_10% | Along-wind distance providing 10% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes | m | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
890 | x_30% | Along-wind distance providing 30% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes | m | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
891 | x_50% | Along-wind distance providing 50% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes | m | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
892 | x_70% | Along-wind distance providing 70% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes | m | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
893 | x_90% | Along-wind distance providing 90% (cumulative) contribution to turbulent fluxes | m | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
894 | x_offset | Along-wind distance providing | m | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
895 | x_peak | Along-wind distance providing the highest (peak) contribution to turbulent fluxes | m | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
896 | yaw | First rotation angle | ° (degrees) | EddyPro (_full_output_ file) | |
897 | ZL | Monin-Obukhov stability parameter | nondimensional | ICOS | |
898 | SF | calibration/sensitivity factor | uV (W m-2)-1 | ||
899 | SEC | soil electrical conductivity | ds m-1 | ||
900 | HFP | heat flux plate | |||
Label | Description | Units (preferred) or format | Category | Used In |
† Concentrations and fluxes for water vapor are provided as [mmol mol-1] and [mmol m-2 s-1] respectively.
‡ Units depend on the nature of the variable.
Last Updated on 20 Dec 2024 13:52