CH-CHA: Updated detailed management info (2005-2024)
An updated version of the detailed management info for CH-CHA is now available for download here.
An updated version of the detailed management info for CH-CHA is now available for download here.
In 2023, our datasets were downloaded (at least) 6645 times, which corresponds to 18.2 downloads per day. Most downloaded sites were CH-DAV, Davos, CH-OE2, Oensingen and CH-CHA, Chamau with more than 1300 downloads each. More details including a plot and table can be found on FLUXNET Number Of Downloads.
The management file for the cropland CH-OE2, Oensingen was updated and now includes management info from 2003 until 2023. The file can be downloaded from here.
The management file for the grassland CH-FRU was updated and now includes management info from 2005 until 2023. The file can be downloaded from here.