All posts in Data

New Article: Eddy Covariance Raw Data Binary Files

In case you ever wondered how our raw data files look like and what is needed before we can use them in EddyPro for flux calculations (and what does “compressed” vs “uncompressed” mean), here is a new Article for you: Eddy Covariance Raw Data Binary Files

VPC Major Upgrade

The VPC (virtual PC) now runs with 8 virtual processors (Intel Xeon E5-2650 v4 @2.2GHz) and 32GB RAM. This will be helpful in running automatic fux calculations, QuickView plot generation and data conversions in parallel. For more info about the VPC, please see here.

CH-DAV Sonic Anemometer North Off-set

The north off-set of the sonic anemometer (the direction in which the sonic anemometer north arrow points) in CH-DAV is 270.28°. It was determined via this map:   Source:

New Page for CH-OE2 Raw Binary Info

To keep an overview for flux calculations, the EC raw binary format for CH-OE2 is now documented here: EC Raw Binary Format (CH-OE2) Sites for which FRMT files are available: CH-AWS / CH-CHA / CH-DAV / CH-FRU / CH-INO / CH-LAE / CH-LAS / CH-OE2  

New Page for CH-LAE Raw Binary Info

To keep an overview for flux calculations, the EC raw binary format for CH-LAE is now documented here: EC Raw Binary Format (CH-LAE) Sites for which FRMT files are available: CH-AWS / CH-CHA / CH-DAV / CH-FRU / CH-INO / CH-LAE / CH-LAS / CH-OE2  

New Page for CH-INO Raw Binary Info

There will be a lot of different sites measured in the InnoFarm project. To keep an overview for flux calculations, the EC raw binary format for CH-INO is now documented here: EC Raw Binary Format (CH-INO)

Activated ICOS DataFlow

The ICOS DataFlow from CH-DAV to the ETH grassland server is now active. Filenames and variable names will soon be changed to their final ICOS file- & variable names. More info here: Dataflow Exception: at the moment 90_images_10_webcam files are transfered directly from the LANNER to the ETH grassland server.

EC Raw Binary Format

Checking the current raw binary format for CH-FRU. Assuming SONIC R3 and IRGA75. Conversion of file 2018020701.X00 to 201802070100.csv, first 10 lines of .csv file: Columns 1-6: u_ms-1 v_ms-1 w_ms-1 ts_K inc_x_deg inc_y_deg 0.47 -1.53 -0.05 277.96 0 0 0.5 -1.57 -0.01 277.98 0 0 0.55 -1.58 0.02 277.98 0 . . . Read more