Updated: Flux Processing Chain
The general overview of the flux processing chain has been updated here: For the general processing steps: Flux Processing Chain For data sharing within FLUXNET: FLUXNET Requirements
The general overview of the flux processing chain has been updated here: For the general processing steps: Flux Processing Chain For data sharing within FLUXNET: FLUXNET Requirements
In some cases, e.g. when using a new instrument that was never used before, it is not known in which team window the maximum covariance between tubulent wind and the scalar of interest (CO2, H2O, etc…) should be searched.Therefore, it is recommended to first search for lag times in a . . . Read more
Currently the eddy covariance flux result outputs are re-ordered in a new folder structure using Flux Levels. Today, the Flux Levels were further refined to be more in line with definitions used in FLUXNET. In addition to Level-0, Level-1 and Level-2, there is also Level-3 (refined) and Level-4 (new). FLUXNET . . . Read more
Which fluxes can be considered “final”? Here is a new article addressing this question: Flux Levels
Flux calculations can now done on-demand on the RDSnx. For more information, please see here: RDSnx – Remote Desktop Service