

New Page for CH-CHA Raw Binary Info

New Page for CH-CHA Raw Binary Info
To keep an overview for flux calculations, the EC raw binary format for CH-CHA is now documented here: EC Raw Binary Format (CH-CHA) ... Read More
Data, CH-INO

New Page for CH-INO Raw Binary Info

New Page for CH-INO Raw Binary Info
There will be a lot of different sites measured in the InnoFarm project. To keep an overview for flux calculations, the EC raw binary format for CH-INO is now documented here: EC Raw Binary Format (CH-INO) ... Read More

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting September 2018

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting September 2018
Meeting Date: 2018-09-20 Participants / Excused LH, EPL, IB, TB, RM, MG, PM (7) / IF, MS Talking Points Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can't, needed for planning of the meetings. SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your site and send to to LH (max. 2 sentences) QA/QC Weekly checklist will be expanded: instead of adding Notes to the table, all technical Notes (errors) will be written directly in GIN. The link to the GIN entry will then be given in the table. This way all relevant information ... Read More
Software, VPC

Updating to Most Recent Anaconda Distribution 5.2.0

Updating to Most Recent Anaconda Distribution 5.2.0
  1. [update] Updated on LH local, fresh install, to 5.2.0, downloaded here (Windows 64bit)
  2. [test] Tested CH-DAV QV generation on LH local with this version --> OK
  3. [update] On VPC in Anaconda prompt (as admin), ran conda update anaconda --> this updated conda from 4.3.21 to 4.3.30
  4. [update] Still on VPC, again ran conda update anaconda --> this updated lots of packages to newer versions
  5. [check] Checked Anaconda verison with conda list anaconda$ --> now shows Anaconda version 5.2.0, OK but it took some time (10mins)
  6. [test] On VPC, starting QV generation for CH-AWS in task scheduler --> OK
  7. [test] ... Read More

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting August 2018

Short Report - QA/QC Meeting August 2018
Meeting Date: 2018-08-23 Participants / Excused LH, IB, PL, MG, PM, CE, RM, SB (8) / EPL, WE, TB, IF, KF Talking Points Info If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can't, needed for planning of the meetings. SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your site and send to to LH (max. 2 sentences)
  1. Currently, automatic fluxes are calculated each day for the last 14 days. Most recent flux results are shown here (now deprecated), more information about the automatic calculation schedule (i.e. what is calculated when) is given here ... Read More

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting July 2018

Short Report - QA/QC Meeting July 2018
Meeting Date: 2018-07-12
Participants / Excused LH, EPL, PM, IF, RM, KF, WE, MS, IB (9) / SB, MG, TB Talking Points Info
  1. If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can't, needed for planning of the meetings.
  2. SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your site and send to to LH (max. 2 sentences)
  3. Currently, automatic fluxes are calculated each day for the last 14 days. Most recent flux results are shown here, more information about the automatic calculation schedule (i.e. what is when calculated) is given here (deprecated). Auto-fluxes worked well ... Read More

QuickViews Update & A Quick Look at Recent Fluxes

QuickViews Update & A Quick Look at Recent Fluxes
From now on, automatic fluxes for the QVs are shown for the last 14 days (previously 7 days). More information about QV fluxes are given here. Below you can find new fluxes between 1 July and 14 July 2018. CO2 Fluxes Latent Evaporation Fluxes Sensible Heat Fluxes ... Read More

A Quick Look at Recent Fluxes

A Quick Look at Recent Fluxes
Newest fluxes between 24 June and 1 July 2018. CO2 Fluxes H2O Fluxes Sensible Heat Fluxes ... Read More
QA/QC Short Report

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting June 2018

Short Report - QA/QC Meeting June 2018
Meeting Date: 2018-06-14 Participants / Excused LH, MG, EPL, KF, IF, PM (6) / PL, SB, RM Talking Points Info
  1. If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can't, needed for planning of the meetings.
  2. SRP & Tech-SRP: please send short statement about site to LH (max. 2 sentences)
  3. Currently, automatic fluxes are calculated each day for the last 8 days.
  4. Online QA/QC checks started for CH-DAV, CH-FRU, CH-CHA and CH-OE2: Link Next step is to implement this check for CH-LAE, CH-LAS and CH-AWS, please contact LH.
  5. Preview Swiss FluxNet homepage:
  6. You can ... Read More

Updates to CH-DAV QuickViews Plots

Updates to CH-DAV QuickViews Plots
From now on, the following data are plotted directly from the new LoggerNet files (instead of the old LANNER files): Basic Meteo (10_meteo)
  • CH-DAV_CR1000_T1_35_1_TBL1_*.csv CH-DAV_iDL_T1_35_1_TBL1_*.dat
Forest Floors (12_meteo_forestfloor)
  • CH-DAV_CR1000_FF1_1_TBL1_*.csv CH-DAV_iDL_FF1_0_1_TBL1_*.dat
  • CH-DAV_CR1000_FF2_1_TBL1_*.csv CH-DAV_iDL_FF2_0_1_TBL1_*.dat
  • CH-DAV_CR1000_FF3_1_TBL1_*.csv CH-DAV_iDL_FF3_0_1_TBL1_*.dat
  • CH-DAV_CR1000_FF4_1_TBL1_*.csv CH-DAV_iDL_FF4_0_1_TBL1_*.dat
  • CH-DAV_CR1000_FF5_1_TBL1_*.csv CH-DAV_iDL_FF5_0_1_TBL1_*.dat
  • CH-DAV_CR1000_FF1_1_TBL2_*.csv CH-DAV_iDL_FF1_0_1_TBL2_*.dat
  • CH-DAV_CR1000_FF2_1_TBL2_*.csv CH-DAV_iDL_FF2_0_1_TBL2_*.dat
  • CH-DAV_CR1000_FF3_1_TBL2_*.csv CH-DAV_iDL_FF3_0_1_TBL2_*.dat
  • CH-DAV_CR1000_FF4_1_TBL2_*.csv CH-DAV_iDL_FF4_0_1_TBL2_*.dat
  • CH-DAV_CR1000_FF5_1_TBL2_*.csv CH-DAV_iDL_FF5_0_1_TBL2_*.dat
Coming Soon (11_meteo_hut)
  • CH-DAV_iDL_H1_0_1_TBL1_*.dat
  • CH-DAV_iDL_H1_0_1_TBL2_*.dat
This entry will be updated ... Read More

Last Updated on 8 May 2023 11:30