Updating to Most Recent Anaconda Distribution 5.2.0

  1. [update] Updated on LH local, fresh install, to 5.2.0, downloaded here (Windows 64bit)
  2. [test] Tested CH-DAV QV generation on LH local with this version –> OK
  3. [update] On VPC in Anaconda prompt (as admin), ran conda update anaconda –> this updated conda from 4.3.21 to 4.3.30
  4. [update] Still on VPC, again ran conda update anaconda –> this updated lots of packages to newer versions
  5. [check] Checked Anaconda verison with conda list anaconda$ –> now shows Anaconda version 5.2.0, OK but it took some time (10mins)
  6. [test] On VPC, starting QV generation for CH-AWS in task scheduler  –> OK
  7. [test] On VPC, starting QV generation for CH-CHA in task scheduler  –> OK
  8. [test] On VPC, automatic flux calcs did not work b/c in plot.py the import from pandas.stats.moments import * did not work (seems deprecated)
    I out-commented the line for all sites, then flux calcs started as normal, but needs check in some days

Update 25 Sep 2018: everything worked normally for the last days.

Regarding Anaconda Distribution updates, see also here.

Last Updated on 15 Feb 2024 21:17