Short Report – QA/QC Meeting August 2018
Meeting Date: 2018-08-23
Participants / Excused
LH, IB, PL, MG, PM, CE, RM, SB (8) / EPL, WE, TB, IF, KF
Talking Points
If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for planning of the meetings.
SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your site and send to to LH (max. 2 sentences)
- Currently, automatic fluxes are calculated each day for the last 14 days. Most recent flux results are shown
here(now deprecated), more information about the automatic calculation schedule (i.e. what is calculated when) is given here. Auto-fluxes worked well recently. Note that for CH-DAV flux calculations the ETH EC files are used, not ICOS EC files.
- Online QA/QC checks started for CH-DAV, CH-FRU, CH-CHA, CH-LAE and CH-OE2: Link Next step is to implement this check for CH-LAS(?) and CH-AWS, please contact LH or simply start them here.
- Regarding GIN: RSS feed needed so that all news from GIN are automatically displayed on Swiss FluxNet homepage. DO will contact LH or LH will contact DO.
- Soon there will be some changes to the Online QA/QC checklist: instead of adding Notes to the table, all Notes will be written directly in GIN. The link to the GIN entry will then be given in the table. This way all relevant information about sensor errors is collected in GIN.
- You can check the most recent eddy covariance raw data plots in the following folder on our group drive (P), updated daily for your site:
- The new Graphical Meteo Screening Tool by JE can be used to screen meteo data:
- [IN PROGRESS] SRP QA/QC Weekly checks in online checklists (instead of the server Excel sheet) are now implemented for CH-DAV, CH-FRU, CH-CHA, CH-LAE and CH-OE2.
- [IN PROGRESS] T-SRP QA/QC Weekly checks in online checklists. T-SRPs will use the same list as SRPs.
- [IN PROGRESS] Subsrcibe to your site RSS feed to get relevant news automatically. Please contact LH for subscribing to the feed so you can get the newest Swiss FluxNet news for your site. Active subscriptions at the moment: SRPs: CH-CHA (IF), CH-OE2 (RM), CH-DAV (MG), CH-FRU (LH); T-SRPs: CH-DAV (PM), CH-CHA (PL), CH-FRU (PL).
- [IN PROGRESS] On-demand flux calculations on
grassland serverdedicated ETH server instead of RDS. In progress. LH waiting for ISG.
- [UPCOMING] QV File Reports: checks available files on server. LH as soon as ICOS allows.
- [UPCOMING] GIN will be connected to SFN HP via RSS feeds. DO and LH will get in contact.
- [DONE]
Automatic fluxes will be activated again (goal is April 2018), priority conflicts w/ ICOS.All sites now active. - [DONE]
Activate site-specific RSS feeds.RSS feeds are now active. - [DONE]
CH-INO will be added to these reports.Fluxes are now processed and wow it even works.NEW!
Site Reports
SRP (LH, fluxes): Data transfer of EC files was paused for some weeks from End of July until Mid-August, but all EC data are complete. CO2 fluxes clearly decreased in the first half of July compared to previous weeks.
Tech-SRP (IB): –
SRP (IF): Soil sampling on July 19 and biomass sampling on August 13 around the EC station. Installation of a Lumex Instruments Mercury Analyzer in the new QCL box to measure mercury fluxes, in cooperation with University of Basel. There was a power outage on August 8, a fuse blew and had to be replaced but the station measurements (fluxes and meteo data) were not affected.
Tech-SRP (PL): *
SRP (MG, LH): Storage measurements are now running at the site since Mid-July and look good. For EC fluxes, there were no major incidents.
Tech-SRP (PM): –
SRP (LH): Virtually complete and very clear co2, water and sensible heat fluxes so far. No major problems with meteo variables.
Tech-SRP (PL): –
SRP (RM): Laser and IRGA are working properly. Since 20180818 the new meteostation is installed.
T-SRP (IB): –
SRP (EPL): –
Tech-SRP (TB): –
SRP (RM): Everything works and fluxes look good.
Tech-SRP (IB): –
Last Updated on 15 Feb 2024 22:56