Short Report – QA/QC Meeting May 2019

Meeting Date: 29 May 2019
LH, MG, SG, WE, PM, RM (6)
Talking Points
- If you are (Tech-)SRP, please attend QA/QC meetings or tell LH if you can’t, needed for planning of the meetings.
- SRP & Tech-SRP: please prepare short statement about your site and send to to LH (max. 2 sentences)
- The purpose of QA/QC meetings is to check on current, incoming data. SRPs choose specific issues we should look at together and discuss in the group. Fluxes are checked if the respective SRP wishes to do so.
Site Reports
SRP: –
T-SRP: –
SRP (IF): Sonic cable was bitten which resulted in a 4-day data gap for fluxes. Power test at the end of April caused another data gap. QCL signal strength is fluctuating, which has to be tested, however N2O and CH4 concentrations look fine at the moment. Lower QCL measurement frequency (~5 instead of 10 Hz, 1 Hz intermittently over Easter) because of wrong settings from February 18th to April 30th (is not showing in data availability plot, maybe add an additional check for measurement frequency when processing).
SRP (MG): Except for a gap on 10-11 May fluxes are OK in Davos.
T-SRP (PM): EMPA was exchanging sensors and did extensive work on the tower in the week from 22.05. till 26.05. Some work done at the forest floor.
SRP (LH): Back from holidays, but after the meeting I checked and data look generally good.
T-SRP: –
SRP: –
T-SRP: –
SRP: –
T-SRP: –
SRP: –
T-SRP: –
Last Updated on 19 Aug 2019 14:34