CH-FRU, Früebüel

Site Description

Medium intensively managed grassland at 982 m asl. The adjacent farm and facilities are part of the ETH Research Station. Eddy covariance flux measurements were started in August 2005 (tower coordinates: 47°06’57.0″ N and 8°32’16.0″ E; WGS84 47.115833, 8.537778; at 982 m asl).


  • Altitude: 982 m a.s.l.
  • Site name: Früebüel, Kt. Zug, Switzerland
  • Land cover (IGBP land classification): Grassland
  • Land use: Moderately intensive management with two cuts per year and cattle grazing in autumn.
  • Coordinates: 47°06’57.0″ N / 8°32’16.0″ E (47.115833, 8.537778) (Google Maps)
  • Location description: Früebüel is situated on the Walchwil mountain, north-east of Lake Zug. Adjacent to the experimental area lies a conservation area with a raised bog.
  • FLUXNET ID: CH-Fru (link)


Nearby meteo stations


  • Grass mixture: including ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis L.), cocksfoot grass (Dactylis glomerata L.), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale agg.), buttercup (Ranunculus L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) 1,2,3


  • Geology: The area is formed by the quartiary deposits of the Reuss glacier. It is dominated by moraines from the Würm ice age.
  • Soil type: Gleysol
  • Bulk density: between 1300 and 1400 kg m-3
  • Soil texture:


The site is divided into three adjacent parcels (Fig. 1). Management intensity as well as the timing of the management events varied between the parcels. A detailed table of management timing, type and intensity is given in the supplementary to this manuscript. In summary, the management of the more intensive parcels (P1 and P2 in Fig. 1) usually included two grazing periods, one in late spring and one in autumn, one or two harvests for hay or silage production during the main growing season and two to three fertilizer applications. The less intensively managed parcel (P3 in Fig. 1) was usually harvested or grazed as well as fertilized one time less per season. The fertilizer was mostly applied as solid manure within days after a harvest. The management timing and intensity also varied among years, depending on local weather conditions and vegetation growth.

Source: Rogger et al. (2022) 4


Detailed Management Info


Current Flux Products

Available Level-1 Fluxes

wdt_ID Site & Year SA GA CO2 H2O N2O CH4 Current Version EFDC Version EFDC Upload EFDC Calcs Details
67 CH-FRU 2016 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
68 CH-FRU 2017 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
70 CH-FRU 2015 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
71 CH-FRU 2014 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
72 CH-FRU 2013 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
73 CH-FRU 2012 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
74 CH-FRU 2011 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
75 CH-FRU 2010 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
76 CH-FRU 2009 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
77 CH-FRU 2008 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
78 CH-FRU 2007 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
79 CH-FRU 2006 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
80 CH-FRU 2005 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
81 CH-FRU 2018 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
82 CH-FRU 2019 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
83 CH-FRU 2020 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 UPDATE
137 CH-FRU 2021 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 NEW
138 CH-FRU 2022 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202303 FF-202303 17 Sep 2023 NEW
139 CH-FRU 2011 ? ? CH4
140 CH-FRU 2010 ? ? CH4
141 CH-FRU 2009 ? ? CH4
142 CH-FRU 2023 R350 IRGA75 CO2 H2O FF-202401 FF-202401 28 Feb 2024 NEW
Site & Year SA GA CO2 H2O N2O CH4 Current Version EFDC Version EFDC Upload EFDC Calcs Details

Eddy covariance raw data files


You are here: CH-FRU, Früebüel


  • Most recent image from the main tower



QA/QC Short Report

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting 18 Jul 2024

The new Short Report with an overview of recent fluxes and meteo data can be downloaded from here: Short Report - QAQC Meeting 18 Jul 2024 ... Read More
QA/QC Short Report

Short Report – QA/QC Meeting 30 May 2024

The new Short Report with an overview of recent fluxes and meteo data can be downloaded from here: Short Report - QAQC Meeting 30 May 2024 ... Read More


1 Imer, D., Merbold, L., Eugster, W., and Buchmann, N.: Temporal and spatial variations of soil CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes at three differently managed grasslands, Biogeosciences, 10, 5931–5945, doi:10.5194/bg-10-5931-2013, 2013.
2 Sautier, S.: Zusammensetzung und Produktivität der Vegetation im Gebiet der ETHZ-Forschungsstation Frübül (ZG), MSc Thesis, university of Zürich: Institute of Geography, 2007.
3 Zeeman, M., Hiller, R., Gilgen, A., Michna, P., Plüss, P., Buchmann, N., and Eugster, W.: Management and climate impacts on net CO2 fluxes and carbon budgets of three grasslands along an elevational gradient in Switzerland, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 519–530, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.01.011, 2010.
4 Rogger, J., Hörtnagl, L., Buchmann, N., & Eugster, W. (2022). Carbon dioxide fluxes of a mountain grassland: Drivers, anomalies and annual budgets. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 314, 108801. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108801

More Info

Last Updated on 14 Feb 2024 11:28